Lesson 33: The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin

The Amazing Life of Benjamin Franklin Cover Image

Assignment 1

Super Sentences

Use the definition and graphic organizer to plan and write Super Sentences for frontier and sympathetic. You can choose to capture key details from today’s reading, or you can choose to write your sentences using a different topic. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb and at least two additional details.

fron · tier closed, vowel team

Frontier is a noun that means the part of the country that is just being settled.


sym · path · et · ic closed, closed, closed, suffix

Sympathetic is an adjective the means feeling sorry for someone.


Assignment 2

Written Response

Imagine that you were Ben Franklin in London. The people at home are counting on you to help them by getting the Penn family to pay taxes. Write a short letter home telling them what you’re doing about it. Write from Ben Franklin’s point of view.