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Lesson 6: Bud, Not Buddy

Bud, Not Buddy Cover Image

Assignment 1

Super Sentences

Use the definition and graphic organizer to plan and write Super Sentences for riding the rails and cardboard jungle. You can choose to capture key details from today’s reading, or you can choose to write your sentences using a different topic. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb and at least two additional details.

rid · ing the rails VCe, suffix, irregular, vowel teams

Riding the rails is a phrase that means jumping on trains without a ticket and riding in the empty cars.

Subjectriding the railsWhere

card · board jun · gle r-controlled, irregular, closed, C-le

A cardboard jungle is a compound noun that means a place where people experiencing homelessness sometimes would go for shelter.

Subjectcardboard jungleWhere

Assignment 2

Written Response

Reread page 60. How does the author use language to help us believe that we are hearing the real thoughts from Bud’s point of view?