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Lesson 42: Half and Half

Half and Half Cover Image

Assignment 1

Super Sentences

Use the definition and graphic organizer to plan and write Super Sentences for climax and falling action. You can choose to capture key details from today’s reading, or you can choose to write your sentences using a different topic. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb and at least two additional details.

cli · max open, closed

Climax is a noun that means the highest or most intense point in the progression of something.


fall · ing ac · tion closed, suffix closed, suffix

Falling action is a two-word noun that means the sequence of events that happens after the climax as the story moves toward its conclusion, or resolution.

Subjectfalling actionWhere

Assignment 2

Written Response

Predict what you think is going to happen next now that Ron hurt his ankle. Explain why you think your prediction is going to happen.