Lessons 1–2 Self Assessment 1

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

use the tools of construction (compass and straightedge) to construct quadrilaterals: rhombus, parallelogram, and square.

Evidence Rating

I can

use the tools of construction (compass and straightedge), and my knowledge of attributes of quadrilaterals to construct angle bisectors, copy segments, copy angles, perpendicular bisectors, and parallel lines. I can also construct equilateral triangles and hexagons inscribed in a circle.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 3–6 Self Assessment 2

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

determine a sequence of transformations that can be used to carry congruent figures onto one another.

Evidence Rating

I can

understand and use the triangle congruence criterion of ASA, SSS, or SAS to determine if triangles are congruent.

Evidence Rating

I can

label all of the corresponding parts of congruent triangles when given a congruence statement.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…