Lessons 1–6 Self Assessment 1

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

interpret a geometric diagram and identify the steps that led to its construction.

Evidence Rating

I can

make conjectures based on a diagram and use a diagram as a tool for reasoning about my conjectures.

Evidence Rating

I can

recognize and justify properties of angles formed by parallel lines and transversals.

Evidence Rating

I can

write a proof using flow diagrams, two-column statements and justifications, or by writing a narrative.

Evidence Rating

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My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 7–10 Self Assessment 2

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

make conjectures about properties of parallelograms by using reasoning based on transformations.

Evidence Rating

I can

use properties of transformations, triangle congruence criteria, and properties of parallel lines and transversals to justify my conjectures about the properties of parallelograms.

Evidence Rating

I can

identify special types of parallelograms based on statements about their diagonals.

Evidence Rating

I can

find the center of a circle that circumscribes a triangle and the center of a circle that can be inscribed in a triangle.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…