Lessons 1–3 Self Assessment 1

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

use the Pythagorean theorem to find distances between points on a coordinate grid.

Evidence Rating

I can

connect the Pythagorean theorem to the distance formula and use the distance formula, to find the distance between coordinate points.

Evidence Rating

I can

use the distance formula and relationships between parallel and perpendicular slopes to determine properties of quadrilaterals and other polygons.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 4–6 Self Assessment 2

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

graph a circle given an equation in this form: .

Evidence Rating

I can

write the equation of a circle, given the center and radius.

Evidence Rating

I can

change the equation of a circle from general form to standard form by completing the square.

Evidence Rating

I can

use any given information and what I know about circles to write an equation of a circle.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 7–9 Self Assessment 3

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

graph a parabola given the focus and the directrix.

Evidence Rating

I can

write the equation of a parabola, given the focus and the directrix.

Evidence Rating

I can

identify features of a parabola, such as the line of symmetry, the vertex, find the direction of opening, etc., from the equation.

Evidence Rating

I can

identify the focus and directrix of the parabola from the equation.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 10–13 Self Assessment 4

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

write the equation of an ellipse centered at the origin, given a sketch of the graph.

Evidence Rating

I can

identify the - and -intercepts and the foci and sketch the graph, given the equation.

Evidence Rating

I can

write the equation of a hyperbola, given the foci, and sketch the graph.

Evidence Rating

I can

determine the features of a hyperbola, such as the center, direction of opening, and the equations of the asymptotes from the equation.

Evidence Rating

I can

use vector component notation to describe or identify a vector.

Evidence Rating

I can

add vectors, calculate the magnitude of a vector, and stretch a vector using a scalar multiple.

Evidence Rating

I can

use matrices to perform geometric transformations on figures.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…