Lesson 1 Whole Numbers on the Number Line

    • Let’s represent numbers on a number line.

Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Rulers and Number Lines

What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Number line.
Ruler labeled 0 to 12 by 1's.

Activity 1 What is a Number Line?

    1. Label each tick mark with the number it represents.

    2. Locate 6 on the number line. Mark it with a point.

    3. Locate a number on the number line that is greater than 6. Mark it with a point.

    Number line. Scale 0 to 10 by 1's. Evenly spaced tick marks. Beginning with the first tick mark, labeled 0, 1, 2, not labeled, not labeled, 5, not labeled, not labeled, 8, 9, 10.
    1. Label each tick mark with the number it represents.

    2. Locate 9 on the number line. Mark it with a point.

    3. Locate a number on the number line that is less than 9. Mark it with a point.

    Number line. Scale 0 to 10. Evenly spaced tick marks. Tick marks labeled at 0, 5, 10.

Activity 2 Make Your Own Number Line

  1. Make a number line that goes from 0 to 20.

  2. Locate 13 on your number line. Mark it with a point.

  3. Locate 3 on your number line. Mark it with a point.

  4. Compare your number line with your partner’s.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

  1. Label each tick mark with the number it represents.

  2. Locate 7 on the number line. Mark it with a point.

Number line. Scale 0 to 10. Evenly spaced tick marks. First tick mark, 0. Second tick mark, 1. Next 8 tick marks labeled with blank. Last tick mark, 10.