Lesson 8 Equations on a Number Line

    • Let’s write equations and represent them on a number line.

Warm-up Choral Count: Back by 10

Count back by 10, starting at 99.
Count back by 10, starting at 98.
Count back by 10, starting at 95.
What patterns do you see?

Activity 1 Represent Equations

Number line labeled from 0 to 14 with a rabbit hopping from 0 to 5, 5 to 10, and 10 to 13.

Represent each equation on the number line.

  1. Number line. Scale, 0 to 40, by 5's.
  2. Number line. Scale, 0 to 40, by 5's.
  3. Number line. Scale 0 to 60 by 5's. 
  4. Number line. Scale 0 to 40 by 5's. Evenly spaced tick marks.

Activity 2 Write Equations

For each number line, write an equation that matches the diagram.

  1. Equation:

    Number line. Scale 0 to 15 by 1's. Arrow from 3 to 15. 
  2. Equation:

    Number line. Scale 0 to 15 by 1's. Arrow from 15 to 12.
  3. Equation:

    Number line. Scale 0 to 15 by 1's. Arrow from 15 to 3. 
  4. Equation:

    Number line. Scale 0 to 15 by 1's. Evenly spaced tick marks. Arrow from 12 to 15.
  5. Compare your equations with your partner.

  6. Pick the 2 number lines you think are most alike. Explain your choice to your partner.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

Here is a number line.

Number line. Scale 20 to 40 by 1's. Evenly spaced tick marks. Arrow from 35 to 27.
  1. Write an equation that the number line represents.

  2. Explain how your equation matches the number line.