Lesson 13 Solve Problems With Equal Groups

    • Let’s multiply some teen numbers.

Warm-up Estimation Exploration: Multiply Teens

Record an estimate that is:

too low

about right

too high

Activity 1 Problems with Teen Numbers

Carton of eggs.

Solve each problem. Show your thinking using objects, a drawing, or a diagram.

  1. A seller at a farmers market has 7 dozen eggs when they close for the day. How many eggs does the seller have?

  2. At the farmers market there’s a space for performers to play music with some chairs for people to sit and listen. There are 5 rows of chairs and each row has 15 chairs. How many chairs are there?

  3. A booth at a farmers market has a table top that has lengths of 4 feet and 16 feet. What is the area of the table top?

Activity 2 Gallery Walk: Problems with Teen Numbers

As you visit the posters with your partner, discuss what is the same and what is different about the thinking shown on each poster.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

There are 4 lunch tables. There are 12 students at each table. How many students are there at the tables? Show your thinking using objects, a drawing, or a diagram.