Lesson 17 Compare Fractions

    • Let’s compare more fractions in different situations.

Warm-up Estimation Exploration: Ladybug Length

What is the length of this ladybug?

a stem labeled 1 inch with a ladybug crawling on it.

Record an estimate that is:

too low

about right

too high

Activity 1 Comparison Problems

For each problem:

  • Answer the question and explain or show your reasoning.

  • Represent your answer with a statement that uses the symbols , , or .

  1. A beetle crawled of the length of a log. A caterpillar crawled of the length of the same log. Which insect crawled farther?

  2. A grasshopper is 4 centimeters long. A caterpillar is centimeters long. Which insect is longer?

    photograph of a grasshopper with a label of 4 centimeters across
  3. A ladybug crawled the length of a branch. An ant crawled the length of the same branch. Which insect crawled farther?

  4. A grasshopper jumped the width of the sidewalk. A frog jumped the width of the same sidewalk. Which jumped a longer distance?

Activity 2 What Fraction Makes Sense?

Problem 1

Oh, no! Some juice spilled on Noah’s fractions. Help him figure out what was written before the juice was spilled.

Find as many numbers as you can to make each statement true. Explain or show your reasoning.

  1. two over 8 is less than splash over 8
  2. 3 over 6 is equal to splash
  3. 4 over 3 is greater than 4 over splash

Problem 2

For each fraction, find a fraction that is less, one that is greater, and one that is equivalent. Then, write a statement that uses the symbols , , or to record each comparison.

  1. Less than :

    More than :

    Equivalent to :




  2. Less than :

    More than :

    Equivalent to :




Activity 3 Ultimate Locate and Label

Locate and label each fraction on the number line. Be prepared to share your reasoning.

blank number line with tic marks at 0, 1, and 3

Practice Problem

Problem 1

  1. Jada threw the ball of the length of the gym. Clare threw the ball of the length of the gym. Clare says she threw the ball farther. Do you agree? Show your thinking.

  2. Tyler kicked the ball the length of the playground. Andre kicked the ball the length of the playground. Andre says he kicked the ball farther. Do you agree? Show your thinking.