Lesson 13: Starry River of the Sky

Starry River of the Sky Cover Image

Assignment 1

Super Sentences

Use the definition and graphic organizer to plan and write Super Sentences for indignation and oblivious. You can choose to capture key details from today’s reading, or you can choose to write your sentences using a different topic. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb and at least two additional details.

in · dig · na · tion closed, closed, open, suffix

Indignation is a noun that means anger or annoyance caused by something considered unfair or unworthy.


ob · liv · i · ous closed, closed, open, suffix

Oblivious is an adjective that means being unaware of or unconcerned about what is going on around you.


Assignment 2

Written Response

Think about what we read today about the problem of the snails. Then make a two-part prediction. First: What do you think Peiyi served Master Chao and Widow Yan in that last dish? And second: How do you think the problem of the snails will be solved? Use evidence from the text to support your response.