Lesson 12: Starry River of the Sky

Starry River of the Sky Cover Image

Assignment 1

Super Sentences

Use the definition and graphic organizer to plan and write Super Sentences for nonchalant and pestilence. You can choose to capture key details from today’s reading, or you can choose to write your sentences using a different topic. Make sure each sentence has a subject and verb and at least two additional details.

non · chal · ant closed, closed, closed

Nonchalant is an adjective that means feeling or appearing unworried, calm, and relaxed.


pest · il · ence closed, closed, suffix

Pestilence is a noun that means something that has a harmful or destructive effect.


Assignment 2

Written Response

What can you infer about Rendi after what we read today? Make at least two inferences, using text evidence to support your response.