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Appendix E: Word Study Scope and Sequence

Grade 2 Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Short vowelsbox, bus, can, get, his, pick, snack
Long vowelscame, close, drive, here, mine, rule, trade
Optional Challenge Wordscomment, polite, refuse, replace

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Short vowelsdid, dog, fish, had, him, hug, lick
Long vowelsbite, face, home, huge, ice, like, time
Optional Challenge Wordspromote, propose, remake, revise

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

ascan, stamp, stand, trash
aCeface, frame, place, trace
arcard, park, shark, spark
Optional Challenge Wordsharden, market, remark, surface

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

ibill, quick, think, trick
iCedrive, hide, side, thrive
irbirth, first, skirt, thirst
Optional Challenge Wordsadvice, refill, skirmish, spider

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

ororhorse, porch, sport
ararchart, harm, park
irsame sound, different patternbird, dirt
erfern, perch
urhurt, spurt
Optional Challenge Wordsmerchant, mural, plural, surface

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

aacrank, glad, snag, span
aCesame sound, different patternpaste, scrape, shape, strange
ayclay, gray, may, play
Optional Challenge Wordsgraceful, payment, replay, shaping

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

aacrack, land, spam
aCesame sound, different patternmate, pace, pave
aidrain, hail, snail
aylay, pay, stay
Optional Challenge Wordsgrateful, hailstorm, mailman, relay

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

eeeggs, fend, rest, west
easame sound, different patterneat, heat, leaves, reach
eeasleep, feed, trees, veer
Optional Challenge Wordsappear, creature, dreaming, greeting

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

esame sound, different pattern: short ebell, felt, shelter
eadead, head, spread
eesame sound, different pattern: long ebeet, creep, steep
eabeast, feast, neat
Optional Challenge Wordsbreaded, deepen, kneed, leaven, mislead

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

iiblink, crisp, wink
iCesame sound, different patternglide, pride, slice
ycry, fly, try
ighfight, height, high
Optional Challenge Wordsdelight, flight, plight, rely, widen

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

iibring, grip, trim
iCesame sound, different patternbite, drive, price
ighfright, light, might
iCCchild, mild, wild
Optional Challenge Wordschildish, delight, lighten, polite, smile

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

oochop, flop, prom, smog
oCesame sound, different patternhole, hope, spoke, wrote
oaboat, road, soap, toad, toast
Optional Challenge Wordscoaching, explode, goalie, roasted

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

oodrop, flop, stomp
oCesame sound, different patternchoke, phone, rose
oaboast, loan, moan
owblow, flow, shown
Optional Challenge Wordsboathouse, crowbar, notebook, owner, snowfall

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

uumuch, puck, skunk
uCesame sound, different patternflute, prune, tune
ueclue, cue, hue
uifruit, juice, suit
Optional Challenge Wordsamuse, excuse, jungle, snuggle, uncle

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

uubump, cub, pump
uCesame sound, different patternmule, mute, rule
uedue, glue, true
ewbrew, chew, knew
Optional Challenge Wordsbuttermilk, include, newsprint, perfume, salute

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

ararparch, sharp, sparse
aCesame sound, different patternpane, place, plane
aimaid, plain, trait
airaremare, share, spare
Optional Challenge Wordscompare, complain, remark, repair

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

ararcharmed, march, starch, stark
aresame sound, different patternflare, glare, square, stare
airchair, flair, hair, stair
Optional Challenge Wordsaware, beware, charter, market, repair, upstairs

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

er, earsame sound, different pattern: erclerk, heard, learn, perch
earsame sound, different pattern: airbear, tear, wear
easame sound, different pattern: short e and long edeaf, head
ee, eacheek, creek, streak, treat
Optional Challenge Wordsconverse, person, rehearse, repeat

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

erergerm, perk, term
eesame sound, different pattern: long ebleed, cheer, cheese, creep, sheer, sneer
earclear, smear
same pattern, different soundswear
Optional Challenge WordsGerman, engineer, repeal, teamwork, unclear

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

irirbirth, chirp, firm
iCesame sound, different patterncrime, spine, whine
ighlight, thigh, tight
irefire, hire, spire
Optional Challenge Wordscombine, height, require, tonight

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

orsame sound, different pattern: orhorn, porch, scorch
orechore, score, shore
oCesame sound, different pattern: long ochoke, globe, phone
oacloak, float, moan
Optional Challenge Wordsexplore, lifeboat, report, restore

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

ququack, quick, quirk
squsquall, squash, squeak
ththeft, think, thorn
thrthrash, threat, threw
Optional Challenge Wordsquality, squander, thought, thrifty

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

ststack, stamp, stark
strstrand, strap, strong
spspeak, spoke, sport
splspleen, splint, split
Optional Challenge Wordssplendid, straighten, strengthen, stretch

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

scscant, scare, score
scrscram, scrape, scrawny
shshaft, sheer, shown
shrshred, shrewd, shriek
Optional Challenge Wordsscathing, shredded, shriveled

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

tchshort vowels, different patterncatch, scratch, stitch, stretch
Cchbranch, stench
VVchVVchcoach, peach, roach, speech
CchCchporch, starch
Optional Challenge Wordsapproach, kitchen, pitcher, purchase

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

dgeshort vowels, different patternbadge, fudge, lodge, wedge
Vgelong or r-controlled vowels, different patterncage, large, rage, stage, verge
V+ngevowel+n, different patternchange, cringe, hinge, range
Optional Challenge Wordsemerge, knowledge, misjudge, usage

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

hard ccable, canter, climb, cuddle
soft cceiling, cent, central, cycle
ssaddle, same, spring, suffer
Optional Challenge Wordscarnivore, cement, sacrifice

Shared Reading, Lessons 46 – 50

hard gglamor, goal, goat, gutter
soft ggentle, germ, giant, gym
jjacket, jelly, judge, juice
Optional Challenge WordsJupiter, general, goalie

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

oochop, crop, frost, stomp
oisame sound, different patternchoice, coil, moist, spoil
oyboy, coy, joy, soy
Optional Challenge Wordsannoy, appoint, avoid, destroy

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

ewsame sound, different pattern: /oo/brew, chew, pew, strewn
oobrood, choosy, droop, loom
oobrook, nook, shook, stood
Optional Challenge Wordschewiness, crooked, gloomiest

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

oooomoon, pooch, room, zoom
ousame sound, different pattern: /ow/hound, shout, sound, spout
owbow, cow, now, plow
Optional Challenge Wordsamount, announce, boomerang, brownie

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

oosame sound, different pattern: /oo/boost, rooster, trooper
oucoupon, crouton, group
same sound, different pattern: /ow/bough, bounce, counter
owchowder, flower, prowler
Optional Challenge Wordsboundary, droopiness, drowsiness

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

aplant, prance
aucaught, fraud, launch
awclaw, crawl, law, saw
alhall, stalk, walk
Optional Challenge Wordsalter, applaud, awful, awkward

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

other baseadd s to make pluralgarden, gardens, plane, planes, wall, walls, worker, workers
_ch baseadd _es to make pluralbeach, beaches, coach, coaches, watch, watches
_sh basebrush, brushes, bush, bushes
_s baseclass, classes, kiss, kisses
_x basefox, foxes
Optional Challenge Wordsadventure, adventures, emperor, emperors, scholar, scholars

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Basechild, foot, life, man, mouse, person, wife, woman
Pluralchildren, feet, lives, men, mice, people, wives, women

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Basearmy, body, buddy, bully, diary, fairy, lady, ninety, party, trophy
Pluralarmies, bodies, buddies, bullies, diaries, fairies, ladies, nineties, parties, trophies

Grade 3 Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

CVVC baseclean, shout
CVVC suffixescleaning, shouted
CVCC baseflush, pass, start, think, watch
CVCC suffixesflushed, passing, started, thinking, watching
CVC basedrop, grab, step
CVC suffixesdropped, grabbed, stepped

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

CVCC baseblink, fish, lift, walk
CVCC +edblinked, fished, lifted, walked
CVCC +ingblinking, fishing, lifting, walking
CVCe basecare, hate, hike, hope, like, live, note, smile
CVCe +edcared, hated, hiked, hoped, liked, lived, noted, smiled
CVCe +ingcaring, hating, hiking, hoping, liking, living, noting, smiling

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Cy basebusy, carry, cry, dry, marry, scary, try
Cy +edcarried, cried, dried, married, tried
Cy +ingcarrying, crying, drying, marrying
Cy +stries
Cy +erbusier, scarier
Cy +estbusiest, scariest
Vy baseannoy, delay, play
Vy +edannoyed, delayed, played
Vy +ingannoying, delaying, playing

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

VCecompete, refuse, surprise
VCe +edrefused, surprised
VCe +ingrefusing, surprising
CVCC baseimpress, return
CVCC +edimpressed, returned
CVCC +ingimpressing, returning
CVC +edforgot
CVC +ingforgetting

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

VCecreate, divide, unite
VCe +edcreated, divided, united
VCe +ingcreating, dividing, uniting
CVCC +edprotected
CVCC +ingprotecting
Vowel Teamcause, lead
Vowel Team +edcaused, led
Vowel Team +ingcausing, leading

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Baseagree, disagree, govern
+mentagreement, disagreement, government
VCe (final syllable)compromise
VCe +edcompromised
VCe +ingcompromising
CVCC (final syllable)represent
CVCC +edrepresented
CVCC +ingrepresenting

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularybill, committee, democracy, legislative, President, Representative

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularyaccuse, capital, decide, monument, parliament, tradition

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularybacteria, conserve, diagram, erosion, ingredients, nutrients

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularyatom, crystal, element, magma, mineral, molecule

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyglobal warming, igneous, metamorphic, particles, sedimentary, weathering

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyatmosphere, front, meteorologist, pressure, updraft, vapor

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularycondense, conditions, destructive, forecast, instruments, radar

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyapplauded, exception, orphans, positive, produce, recognize

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularycomforted, criminal, enlisted, ignorant, imitate, reason

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularycomplicated, downpour, introduce, memorize, nerve, teeter

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Vocabularyhurriedly, instantly, lunging, nimble, revolution, signal

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularyautobiography, errands, liberator, prejudice, relatives, subscription

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularycurdle, impatient, lend, pride, Quaker, tinderbox

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyjourney, load, nonsense, rent, restless, ridiculous

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyanxious, dazzling, interrupt, pleasant, puzzling, wearily

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularyargument, convention, dare, doubtful, scold, stubborn

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyexpress, mission, prohibited, property, silversmith, tax

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularydiabetes, heritage, Ivy League, Justice, lawyer, misery

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularyappointed, district attorney, humble, politician, prosecute, seize

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Vocabularydiscrimination, injustice, inspired, justify, trailblazer, vowed

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularycondescending, consequences, derogatory, disregard, excruciating, mortified

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularyanguish, crow, frenzied, insistent, relief, resonate

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularycontrarian, expectancy, familiar, gesture, option, personification

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyelectricity, engine, generator, machine, required, scorched

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularycitizens, city-state, column, glories, myth, mythology

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyconsult, cringe, exercises, intention, retched, sorority

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularyenlightenment, initiate, revelation, scheming, shambles, shifty

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularyequality, headstrong, opportunity, pit crew, temple, tinker

Grade 4 Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularycommotion, deliver, exhibition, mentioning, particular, universe

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularyanxious, hoist, muttering, practically, sneer, unyielding

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyability, audience, extended, intimidate, miracle, recognized

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularycareer, hesitation, pressure, protective, reputation, situation

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularycurtly, marvel, prelude, reassure, relocation, subtle

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyconcerned, containing, discarded, disheveled, insisted, transformation

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularyappropriate, elegant, episode, exchanges, mention, metropolitan

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 5

Vocabularycentered, cherish, commoner, design, discontent, fragrance, gallows, pawnshop, previously, prophecy, slothfulness, stern

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularydemonstrate, ignorant, perish, shackled, tallow, toiling

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyeavesdrop, inclination, innocent, peninsula, pierce, provisions

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyconfer, exhorting, fury, negotiate, shirk, starvation

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularyconjecture, enthusiastic, idle, smoldering, vengeful, vision

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyexamine, foreshadowing, rationing, regal, vigil, wealthy

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 33

Vocabularyauthority, intricate, makeshift, ruckus

Shared Reading, Lessons 34 – 40

Vocabularyceremony, coronation, heirs, monarchy, scurrying, succession, taxes

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularyoperation, osprey, predator, relentlessly, smolder, transformed

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularyeligible, genuinely, intrude, irregularities, obituary, solemnly

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyagitated, concentrated, first impression, inconsistent, out of commission, vandalism

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularycondemned, fascinating, fumigated, inescapable, milling, unison

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularybooster, caravan, pesticide, retaliate, reverence, valuables

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularycoming unglued, compromise, desperate, freeze, solemn, withering

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularyconviction, dimly, justice, menacing, mirage, restitution

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularyancestors, annoyance, kowtow, noxious, silhouette, whimpering

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularycontemplation, decrepit, fierceness, insult, resolute, seething

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularydespaired, indignation, nonchalant, oblivious, pestilence, wretched

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyappropriate, belied, complimentary, disbelief, disgust, valiant

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularyabundant, patronizing, persist, petulant, plaintive, reconciled

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularycontentment, obedient, proclamation, sacrifice, tranquility, vulnerable

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 36

Vocabularyapprentice, compromise, frontier, inevitable, optimistic, pessimistic, sympathetic, vocabulary

Grade 5 Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularycomfort, defend, impress, respect, restore, return

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularydrama, flinch, judge, potential, sprawls, tradition

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyassure, cantankerous, cavorted, confess, connect, merely

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularycareening, descended, hope, plummet, sacrifice, tentative

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularybadgered, nonchalant, poise, quivering, relieve, tense

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularydiscover, independent, legitimate, mischievous, realize, survivor

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularycells, digestive, nucleus, organ, organelle, organism

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularymeiosis, mitosis, pigment, reproduce, tissue, waste

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Vocabularydisease, ecosystem, osmosis, photosynthesis, transpiration, unicellular

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularyavalanche, colonizers, eruption, explosion, lava, survivors

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularycurrents, gyre, ridge, tides, trench, tsunami

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyatmosphere, atom, orbit, revolve, solar system, sunspot

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularyexecutor, heir, inherit, luxurious, motive, obituary

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularyalibi, coincidence, defiantly, paralyze, suspicion, timid

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyirony, plot thickens, resemblance, restraining, share, tension

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularyastounded, deliberately, financier, foreshadow, incriminating, resolution

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularyaccomplice, charred, confessed, crossroads, sacrifice, witness

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularycommence, depression, provoked, revenge, terrified, tolerate

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularycardboard jungle, devoured, hypnotized, orphanage, riding the rails, taste

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyjudgmental, obvious, rehearse, reputation, resourceful, unions

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularybawling, blended, fumble, insinuating, jazz, rummage

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularydam, electricity, generator, hydroelectric, reservoir, waterwheel

Shared Reading, Lessons 27 – 30

Vocabularycondensation, evaporation, gas, liquid, precipitation, solid

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularybasalt, boiling point, granite, melting point, subliming, volcano

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Vocabularyconscription, oblige, prodigious, truss, whinny, wretched

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Vocabularyabolitionists, civilized, conductor, drew, gemstone, skitter

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Vocabularyguardian, ingenuity, injustice, ruffian, steward, tormentors

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Vocabularycaravan, elixir, exhibitions, indignity, inspiration, muffle

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Vocabularybetray, eventually, feverishly, inquiries, requisitioned, scampered

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Vocabularyartillery, confinement, cruel, duped, trench, wrenches

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Vocabularyconscious, customs, ethnically diverse, exotic, heritage, thrifty

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Vocabularyauthentic, bewildered, conflict, exposition, hyperbole, notable

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Vocabularyclimax, falling action, juxtaposition, rising action, strained, suspense