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Appendix E: Word Study Scope and Sequence

Kindergarten Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Bbback, ball, banana, bus
Mmman, map, milk, monkey

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Bbbackpack, bag, bat, book
Mmmatch, meal, mice, mountain
Sssack, sit, soap, soup

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Mmman, mint, mouth, music
Sssack, sand, soap, soup
Rrrake, rat, rice, rope
Aaactor, add, alligator, astronaut

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Tttable, tools, toys, turkey
Nnneck, needle, nest, nut
Gggame, gift, girl, gorilla

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Nnneck, net, nine, numbers
Pppail, pen, pie, pink
Iiigloo, iguana, infant, ink

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Nnnickel, night, note, numbers
Tttail, tip, toes, tooth
Iiigloo, ill, infant, ink
Gggate, gift, girl, gorilla

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Mmmachine, mail, moose, morning
Bbbakery, bald, bandage, bone
Tttape, tile, toe, tooth
Aaactor, add, alligator, astronaut

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Dddime, door, doughnut, down
Hhhand, harp, horn, house
Lllake, lamp, lap, lip

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Dddark, day, deer, dime
Cccake, car, comb, corn
Oooff, on, ostrich, ox

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

Lllady, leaf, leg, lion
Hhhand, harp, heart, horse
Cccandy, cape, cone, corn
Oooff, on, ostrich, ox

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

Ffface, farm, fin, foot
Jjjack, jam, jewel, jog
Wwwalk, water, wax, wind

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

Wwwand, water, well, wet
Kkkangaroo, kite, kitten, koala
Eeegg, elephant, elf, elk

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

Fffeather, five, fly, foot
Wwwagon, watermelon, weed, wolf
Kkkettle, key, kid, kitten
Eeelbow, elevator, envelope, exit

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

Dddoctor, doll, drink, duck
Fffiddle, fish, fork, fox
Llladder, lion, lip, lollipop
Oooff, olives, ostrich, otter

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Yyyacht, yak, yard, yellow
Vvvase, vegetable, vine, vitamin
Uuumpire, under, up, upset

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Yyyard, yo-yo, yogurt, yolk
Vvvacuum, vanilla, vest, volleyball
Uuumpire, under, unlock, unpack
Zzzebra, zigzag, zipper, zoom

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

_atfat, hat, mat, sat
_ancan, man, tan, van

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

_atbat, hat, pat, rat
_agbag, lag, nag, wag

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_atbat, hat, mat, sat
_anban, fan, man, ran
_agbag, rag, sag, wag

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

_aggag, hag, lag, zag
_ancan, man, ran, tan
_aplap, map, nap, tap

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

_itfit, hit, lit, sit
_inbin, fin, tin, win

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

_inbin, kin, tin, win
_igbig, fig, gig, wig

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

_itfit, kit, sit, wit
_inbin, kin, sin, win
_igbig, dig, jig, rig

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

_itbit, fit, hit, sit
_inbin, fin, kin, win
_iphip, nip, sip, zip

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

_otcot, got, hot, not
_opcop, hop, lop, pop

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

_ophop, mop, pop, sop
_ogbog, fog, hog, tog

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

_otgot, pot, rot, tot
_ogbog, jog, log, tog
_opbop, fop, hop, lop

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_utcut, hut, jut, rut
_uglug, mug, rug, tug

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

_utbut, gut, jut, rut
_unbun, fun, pun, run

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

_utcut, gut, rut, tut
_unbun, fun, nun, pun
_ughug, lug, mug, rug

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

_etget, set, wet, yet
_edbed, led, med, wed

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

_etbet, get, pet, set
_enden, hen, men, ten
_edNed, Ted, fed, med

Grade 1 Word Lists

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

Bbball, bat, book, bus
Mmmap, mice, milk, moon
Rrrat, rice, roof, rope
Sssaw, sit, soap, sock

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

Aaadd, app, ask, axe
Tttext, tools, toys, turkey
Nnneedle, net, night, numbers
Gggame, girl, goat, gorilla

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

Iiigloo, ill, infant, insects
Pppail, pear, pen, pink
Cccake, can, car, cup
Lllake, lamp, leaf, leg

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

Hhhand, hill, horn, house
Ddday, deer, dime, door
Fffin, foot, fork, fox
Oooff, on, ostrich, ox

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_atbat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat
_ancan, fan, man, ran, tan, van
High-Frequency WordsI, and, go, in, is, the
Optional Challenge Wordschat, clan, match, plant

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

_atbat, fat, pat, sat
_aplap, map, nap, tap
_agbag, nag, rag, wag
High-Frequency Wordsam, good, had, like, me
Optional Challenge Wordsbrag, chap, clap, splat

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

_itbit, fit, hit, kit, lit, sit
_inbin, din, fin, tin, win
High-Frequency Wordshas, look, my, play, you
Optional Challenge Wordsfinch, grit, shin, slit

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

_itfit, sit, wit, zit
_igbig, dig, fig, wig
_ipdip, hip, tip, zip
High-Frequency Wordsam, as, did, make, on
Optional Challenge Wordssprig, stitch, strip, wiggle

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

_ophop, mop, pop, sop
_otgot, hot, lot, pot
_ogbog, fog, jog, log
High-Frequency Wordsdo, he, his, little, we
Optional Challenge Wordsfrog, shop, shot, stop

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

_unbun, fun, nun, pun
_ugjug, mug, rug, tug
_utbut, cut, hut, rut
High-Frequency Wordsall, for, see, this, up
Optional Challenge Wordsshut, slug, spun, stun

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

_edTed, bed, fed, wed
_enden, hen, men, ten
_etbet, get, met, set
High-Frequency Wordsbe, if, no, of, when
Optional Challenge Wordsbend, bent, bled, fetch

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

_apmap, nap, sap, tap
_ipdip, nip, sip, tip
_oplop, mop, pop, sop
High-Frequency Wordsare, ask, day, so, was
Optional Challenge Wordssnap, snip, stop, strap

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

_anban, fan, tan
_infin, tin, win
_enden, men, ten
_unfun, pun, run
High-Frequency Wordsboy, girl, now, or, out
Optional Challenge Wordsbunt, grin, plan, tent

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_ackback, pack, rack, tack
_icklick, nick, pick, tick
_ockdock, lock, mock, tock
High-Frequency Wordsby, come, give, have, said
Optional Challenge Wordsblack, shock, slack, stick

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

s_sad, set, sip, sock
h_had, hip, hot, hub
sh_shack, shin, shop, shut
High-Frequency Wordscall, here, into, saw, she
Optional Challenge Wordshand, hint, shirt, sink

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

sh_shack, shin, shop, shut
ch_chat, chick, chin, chop
th_then, thick, this, thud
High-Frequency Wordscame, one, our, put, yellow
Optional Challenge Wordschurch, shift, shirt, think

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

s_sack, set, sick, sob
t_tab, tack, tip
st_stack, stock, stop, stuck
High-Frequency Wordsany, blue, new, say, too
Optional Challenge Wordsstink, strip, tank, trip

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

st_stack, stock, stop, stuck
sp_span, spill, spit, spot
sl_slam, slim, slip, slop
High-Frequency Wordsmany, some, than, then, your
Optional Challenge Wordsslump, spunk, stamp, stomp

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

g_gab, get, got
gr_grab, grits, grub
d_dab, dip, dot
dr_drab, drop, drum
High-Frequency Wordsgave, her, us, very, way
Optional Challenge Wordsdamp, draft, grand, grasp

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

d_dab, den, dip, dot
j_jab, jam, jog, jump
dr_drab, drop, drum
High-Frequency Wordslive, talk, they, walk, yes
Optional Challenge Wordsdrank, drink, junk

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

ch_chap, chat, chop
tr_trap, trip, truck
j_jab, jack, jam
dr_drag, drop, drum
High-Frequency Wordsjump, more, over, them, what
Optional Challenge Wordschamp, chimp, trunk, trust

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

_chinch, much, ranch, such
_thbath, cloth, sloth, with
_shcash, dish, hush, mash
High-Frequency Wordsbrown, pretty, under, want, went
Optional Challenge Wordsbunch, crash, crunch, month

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_tbet, chat, shot, slot
_stbest, cast, past, wrist
_ftcraft, draft, lift, loft
High-Frequency Wordseat, just, must, well, white
Optional Challenge Wordsblast, crest, shift, theft

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

_dglad, grid, skid
_tflat, shot, that
_ndband, bond, mend
_ntcent, dent, hint
High-Frequency Wordsgreen, him, how, people, who
Optional Challenge Wordsgrand, splint, sprint, strand

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

_a_chap, drag, plan, slap
_o_plod, shop, shot, stop
_u_shun, shut, stuck, stun
High-Frequency Wordsabout, fly, their, there, thing
Optional Challenge Wordschant, drop, plank, stunt

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

_a_hat, mad, plant, slap, stamp, stand
a_efame, flame, game, hate, made, place
High-Frequency Wordsmore, ride, these, those, zoo
Optional Challenge Wordsbehave, replace, shave, strange

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

_a_chant, grand, jack, slant, stand, task
a_eblame, came, fake, flame, stake, tame
High-Frequency Wordsagain, cold, family, nice, time
Optional Challenge Wordscreate, inflate, reframe, rename, strap

Shared Reading, Lessons 1 – 5

_i_bring, hid, spin, string, trick, win
i_ehide, hike, lime, mine, pine, size
High-Frequency Wordsaround, car, coat, round, school
Optional Challenge Wordsbeside, refine, stride

Shared Reading, Lessons 6 – 10

_a_cash, hand
a_ecrane, grape, lake, shade
_i_spill, swing
i_eknife, pride, slide, smile
High-Frequency Wordsnight, old, once, word, write
Optional Challenge Wordsalive, bride, mistake, plastic

Shared Reading, Lessons 11 – 15

_o_block, clock, pond, pop, shop, stop
o_ebroke, home, hope, phone, stole, whole
High-Frequency Wordsaway, because, long, place, work
Optional Challenge Wordsalone, boneless, explode, notebook

Shared Reading, Lessons 16 – 20

_u_brush, drum, dusk, grunt, mug, plump
u_ecute, dune, flute, huge, prune, tube
High-Frequency Wordsbeen, brother, first, sister, which
Optional Challenge Wordsbubble, excuse, perfume, pumpkin

Shared Reading, Lessons 21 – 25

_o_cost, slob
o_eclose, drove, froze, slope
_u_plump, shut
u_edune, mule, mute, rule
High-Frequency Wordshere’s, he’s, it’s, she’s, that’s
Optional Challenge Wordshomemade, monster, refuse, trumpet

Shared Reading, Lessons 26 – 30

_ar_cart, far, parch, start
_or_porch, pork, sort, sport
_ir_bird, dirt, girl, stir
High-Frequency Wordsaren’t, can’t, didn’t, don’t, isn’t
Optional Challenge Wordsalarm, chorus, dirty, harvest

Shared Reading, Lessons 31 – 35

_a_band, damp, slam, smack, stack
_ai_aim, bait, brain, chain, stain, waist
High-Frequency WordsI’ll, he’ll, she’ll, they’ll, we’ll
Optional Challenge Wordsmaintain, rainstorm, sailor

Shared Reading, Lessons 36 – 40

_e_bent, help, kept, nest, pelt, slept
_ee_creek, reed, seem, sleep, steel, teen
High-Frequency WordsI’m, he’s, she’s, they’re, you’re
Optional Challenge Wordsseeker, sixteen, treetop

Shared Reading, Lessons 41 – 45

_o_chop, prop, shops, slot, sloth, smock
_oa_boat, coal, float, moan, roam, roast
High-Frequency Wordswhat, when, where, who, why
Optional Challenge Wordshotspot, toasted, tugboat