Lessons 1–4 Self Assessment 1

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

describe the features of the function , including horizontal and vertical asymptotes, domain, range, and intervals of increase and decrease.

Evidence Rating

I can

graph functions in the form: .

Evidence Rating

I can

explain why horizontal and vertical asymptotes occur in .

Evidence Rating

I can

determine if a function is rational.

Evidence Rating

I can

compare the degrees of the numerator and of the denominator to determine if a rational function has a horizontal or slant asymptote and to write the equation of the asymptote.

Evidence Rating

I can

find the intercepts of a rational function, if they exist.

Evidence Rating

I can

determine the vertical asymptote(s) of a rational function.

Evidence Rating

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Lessons 5–6 Self Assessment 2

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.

Simplify a rational expression.

Evidence Rating

Write an improper rational expression as a proper rational expression.

Evidence Rating

I can

add and subtract rational expressions.

Evidence Rating

I can

multiply and divide rational expressions.

Evidence Rating

I can

determine the behavior of a rational function near the asymptotes and use this behavior to graph the function.

Evidence Rating

I can

model a situation using a rational function.

Evidence Rating

I can

solve a rational equation.

Evidence Rating

I can

use correct units and interpret a solution to a rational equation, when given a context.

Evidence Rating

I can

determine if a solution to a rational equation is extraneous.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…