Lessons 1–5 Self Assessment 1

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

find the center of dilation and scale factor for two similar figures where the image is formed by a dilation of the pre-image.

Evidence Rating

I can

dilate a figure when given the center of dilation and the scale factor.

Evidence Rating

I can

define similarity in two ways: one in terms of transformations, and the other in terms of corresponding angles and sides.

Evidence Rating

I can

write and solve correct proportionality statements for segments formed on the sides of a triangle when a line is drawn parallel to the base.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 6–7 Self Assessment 2

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

find the midpoint of a line segment on a coordinate grid.

Evidence Rating

I can

find the point that partitions a line segment in a given ratio (for example, ) on a coordinate grid.

Evidence Rating

I can

prove the Pythagorean theorem using proportionality.

Evidence Rating

I can

write and solve correct proportionality statements for segments formed when an altitude is drawn in a right triangle perpendicular to the hypotenuse.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…

Lessons 8–11 Self Assessment 3

For each statement, rate your understanding according to the continuum, and then provide evidence for your rating.

I understand and can do it accurately. I understand most of the time, but I’m still working on it.I don’t understand this yet.
I can

define the trigonometric ratios—sine, cosine and tangent—in terms of the sides of a right triangle and an acute angle.

Evidence Rating

I can

find the values of the trigonometric ratios for a right triangle given the measure of one of its acute angles and one of its sides.

Evidence Rating

I can

explain and use trigonometric relationships such as and .

Evidence Rating

I can

apply trigonometric ratios to solve practical situations, such as finding the angle of elevation given the rise and run.

Evidence Rating

Next steps

My plan for mastering this content is…