Lesson 9 Interpret Bar Graphs
Let’s interpret data in bar graphs.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Favorite Pets
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Field Trip Choices

Groups of students in different classes were asked, “Where would you like to go for our field trip?” Their responses are shown in the bar graphs below.
Write as many statements as you can to show what can be learned about the students’ field trip choices from the bar graph.
Activity 2 Our Favorite Seasons
A group of students were asked, “What is your favorite season?” Their responses are shown in the bar graph.
Answer the questions using the graph.
How many students voted for summer?
What is the total number of students who voted for fall or spring?
Which two seasons have a total of 10 votes?
How many students voted?
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Use the bar graph to answer the questions about the trees in the park.
How many trees are there altogether?
How many more maple trees are there than willow trees?
Which kind of tree has the smallest number?