Lesson 1 Add and Subtract to Compare

    • Let’s solve Compare problems with larger numbers.

Warm-up Which One Doesn’t Belong: Compare Representations

Which one doesn’t belong?

  1. Two base ten diagrams. First diagram, labeled sunny, 2 tens, 5 ones. Second diagram, labeled cloudy, 1 ten, 5 ones.
  2. Diagram. Two rectangles of equal length. Top rectangle labeled cloudy, partitioned into two parts. First part, shaded, total length 15. Second part has a dashed outline, total length question mark. Bottom rectangle, shaded, labeled sunny. Total length, 25.
  3. Two connecting cube towers of different lengths. Top tower. Yellow, 10. Blue, 10. Yellow 5. Bottom tower. Yellow, 10. Blue 5.
  4. Horizontal bar graph. This Years Weather. Horizontal axis labeled number of days, from 0 to 26 by ones. Vertical axis labeled kinds of weather: rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy. Length of bar: rainy, 15. sunny, 25. cloudy, 10. windy, 7.

Activity 1 Movie Snacks

Children at the movie theater.

Use the bar graph to answer the questions.

Horizontal bar graph. Students Favorite Movie Snacks. Horizontal axis from 0 to 33 by ones. Vertical axis labeled nachos, pretzels, popcorn. Length of bar: nachos, 32, pretzels, 16, popcorn, 21.
  1. What is the total number of students that chose popcorn or pretzels? Show your thinking.

  2. How many more students chose nachos than chose popcorn? Show your thinking.

Activity 2 Build and Compare

  1. Lin and Clare used cubes to make trains. What do you notice? What do you wonder?

    Two connecting cube towers of different lengths. Top tower labeled Lin. Bottom tower labeled Clare. Lins tower, yellow, 10. Blue, 10. Yellow, 5. Clares tower, yellow 10. Blue 5.
  2. Make trains with cubes.  


    number of cubes

    Partner A

    Partner B

  3. Find the total number of cubes you and your partner used. Show your thinking.

  4. Find the difference between the number of cubes you and your partner used. Show your thinking.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

Here are some connecting cubes.

2 connecting cube towers of different lengths, labeled train 1 and train 2. Train 1, yellow, 10. Blue, 10, yellow, 2, Train 2. Yellow 10. Blue, 7.
  1. How many connecting cubes are there altogether? Show your thinking.

  2. How many more cubes are there in train 1 than in train 2? Show your thinking.