Lesson 17 Let’s Make a Dollar
Let’s make a dollar.
Warm-up Number Talk: Add 25
Find the value of each expression mentally.
Activity 1 Many Many Cents
Problem 1
Coin Collection A

Circle the coins in this collection.
How many coins?
What is the value in cents?
Show your thinking.
Problem 2
Coin Collection B

Circle the coins in this collection.
How many coins?
What is the value in cents?
Show your thinking.
Problem 3
Coin Collection C
Make a collection using only dimes that has the same value as Collection A.
Glue or draw coins here.
How many coins?
What is the value in cents?
Show your thinking.
Activity 2 The Value of a Dollar

Problem 1
Andre emptied his pockets and found these coins.
How much money does he have? Show your thinking.
Han emptied his pockets and found these coins.
How much money does he have? Show your thinking.
Problem 2
Priya has $1 and 18¢ in her pocket.
If Priya only had coins in her pocket, what coins could she have?
Represent Priya’s coins:If Priya had 1 dollar bill and some coins, what coins could she have?
Represent Priya’s money:
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Select 3 collections of coins that show a dollar.