Section A: Practice Problems Interpret and Represent Data on Scaled Graphs

Section Summary


In this section, we created scaled picture graphs and scaled bar graphs.

Picture Graph. Flowers I saw on the way home. Key: Flower represents 5 flowers. Rose, 2 flowers. Tulips, 1 flower. Daisies, 5 flowers. Violets, 3 flowers.
Bar graph. How We Get Home. Vertical axis from 0 to 24 by 2s. Horizontal axis labeled bike, walk, bus or van, car. Height of bar: Bike, 12. Walk, 4. Bus or van, 6. Car, 3.

We asked and answered questions that could be answered by the graphs.

  • How many more daisies were seen than violets?

  • How many fewer students walk home than bike home?

  • How many more students bike home than walk or ride in a car?

Problem 1 (Pre-Unit)

The table shows how a group of students most enjoy traveling. Use the table to complete the picture graph.

way to travel

number of students


hot air balloon

sail boat


Blank picture graph. Favorite Way to Travel. Horizontal axis: airplane, hot air balloon, sail boat, scooter.

Problem 2 (Pre-Unit)

Use the bar graph to answer the questions.

Bar graph. Favorite animal. Vertical axis from 0 to 10 by 1's. Horizontal axis labeled hamster, horse, dog, cat. Height of bar: hamster, 2. horse, 5. dog, 9. cat, 6.
  1. How many students recorded their favorite animal?

  2. How many fewer students chose hamsters than dogs?

Problem 3 (Pre-Unit)

The table shows the favorite summer vacation activity for a group of students.

vacation activities

number of students

family time

playing sports

sleeping in


Use the table to complete the bar graph.

Bar graph. Favorite vacation activities. Horizontal axis labeled family time, playing sports, sleeping in, reading. Vertical axis from 0 to 10 by 1s.

Problem 4 (Pre-Unit)

Find each sum or difference. Show your reasoning.

Problem 5 (Pre-Unit)

How many objects are in each array? Explain or show your reasoning.

  1. Array. 3 rows of 5 dots.
  2. Array. 2 rows of 8 dots.

Problem 6 (Lesson 1)


The graph shows some information about flowers in the garden.

Bar graph. Flowers in the Garden. Vertical axis labeled number of flowers from 0 to 10 by ones. Horizontal axis labeled roses, tulips, sunflowers, daffodils. Height of bar: roses, 7. tulips, 5. sunflowers, 9. daffodils, 2.
  1. Write one fact you know based on the data shown in the graph.

  2. Write 2 questions you could answer about the data in the bar graph.

Problem 7 (Lesson 2)

The bar graph shows the numbers of different types of flowers in the garden. Use the graph to answer the questions.

Bar graph. Flowers in the Garden. Vertical axis labeled Number of Flowers from 0 to 10 by 1s. Horizontal axis labeled roses, tulips, sunflowers, daffodils. Height of bar: Roses, 7. Tulips, 5. Sunflowers, 9. Daffodils, 2.
  1. How many flowers are represented on the graph?

  2. How many tulips, sunflowers, and daffodils were there altogether?

Problem 8 (Lesson 3)

This picture graph records types of balls in the gym. Use the graph to answer the questions.

Picture Graph. Balls in the Gym. Key: each circle represents 2 balls. baseball, 2 circles. basketball, 6 circles. football, 3 circles. volleyball, 4 circles.
  1. How many basketballs are in the gym?

  2. How many more basketballs are there than footballs?

  3. Write one other question that you could answer about the balls in the gym using the graph.

Problem 9 (Lesson 4)

The table shows the favorite sports of some students. Use it to complete the scaled picture graph.







Picture Graph. Key: circle represents 2 people. Tennis, blank. Swimming, blank. Gymnastics, blank. Soccer, blank.

Problem 10 (Lesson 5)

The table shows the number of different shapes in a pattern block puzzle. Use it to complete the scaled bar graph.







Empty bar graph. Shapes in Puzzle. Vertical axis: number of shapes from 0 to 16 by twos. Horizontal axis: triangle, trapezoid, square, hexagon.

Problem 11 (Lesson 6)

The table shows the number of books some students have at home.

Use the information from the table to create a scaled bar graph.







Blank bar graph. Books at Home.

Problem 12 (Lesson 7)

The graph shows the number of different kinds of nuts in a bowl.

Bar graph. Party Nuts. Vertical axis labeled number of nuts from 0 to 40 by fives. Horizontal axis labeled peanuts, walnuts, pecans, pistachios. Height of bar: peanuts, 27. walnuts, 11. pecans, 18. pistachios, 38.
  1. How many more pistachios are there than walnuts? Explain or show your reasoning.

  2. How many fewer pecans are there than peanuts? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 13 (Lesson 8)

The scaled bar graph shows how many students are in each class.

Bar graph. Students in Each Class. Vertical axis labeled number of students from 0 to 35 by fives. Horizontal axis labeled class 1, class 2, class 3, class 4. Height of bar: class 1, 24. class 2, 25. class 3, 22. class 4, 31.
  1. How many students are in the 4 classes altogether? Explain or show your reasoning.

  2. How many fewer students are in class 1 than in class 4? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 14 (Exploration)

Bar graph. Student Enrollments. Vertical axis labeled number of students. Horizontal axis labeled school A, school B, school C, school D. Height of bars: school A, second lowest. school B, second highest. school C, lowest. school D, highest.

There are 1,000 students at the 4 schools. What is the approximate scale for the bar graph?

Problem 15 (Exploration)

Collect data of interest to you and make a bar graph. You may use the bar graph template if you wish.

Blank bar graph