Lesson 2 Expanding Ten-Thousands
Let’s represent five-digit numbers.
Warm-up Choral Count: 10,000
Let’s count by 1,000s, starting with 9,000.
Activity 1 Hundred-Thousand: Base-Ten Blocks
For each table, complete the missing information.
type of block
number of blocks
Standard form:
Expanded form:
type of block
number of blocks
Standard form:
Expanded form:
Choose your own numbers. Write the value of the blocks in standard and expanded form.
type of block
number of blocks
Standard form:
Expanded form:
Choose your own numbers. Write the value of the blocks in standard and expanded form.
type of block
number of blocks
Standard form:
Expanded form:
Activity 2 Spin It, Expand It
After each spin, place each digit in an empty space.
Once a digit is placed it cannot be moved
One digit may be placed in the “no” box
Round 1: Make the largest number possible.
, NO:
, NO:
, NO:
Round 2: Make the smallest number possible
, NO:
, NO:
, NO: