Lesson 15 Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator
Let’s compare two fractions with the same denominator.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Two More Strips
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Compare Fractions with the Same Denominator
Problem 1
For each pair of fractions, circle the fraction that is greater. Explain or show your reasoning.
and and
Problem 2
Use the symbols > or < to make each statement true. Explain or show your reasoning.
Problem 3
Write in the missing numerator of the fraction to make each statement true. Explain or show your reasoning.
Activity 2 Spin to Win: Same Denominator
In this game, you will record fractions on number lines. Choose a writing utensil in a color different than your partner’s so you can tell which fraction is whose on each number line.
Each player spins the paper clip. The player who spins the highest number is Player 1.
Player 1 chooses a denominator for the first round: 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8.
Each player spins for the numerator of their fraction.
Each player locates and labels their fraction on the same number line on the recording sheet.
The player with the greater fraction wins and picks the denominator for the next round.
Repeat for 10 rounds. The player who wins the most rounds wins the game.
Practice Problem
Problem 1
Han says there is no fraction with denominator 8 that’s greater than