Lesson 7 Introduction to Liquid Volume
Let’s learn about liquid volume.
Warm-up Notice and Wonder: The Bowl and the Jar
What do you notice? What do you wonder?

Activity 1 Liquid Volume Estimation Exploration
Your teacher will give you two containers labeled “A” and “B,” and another container labeled “unit.”
How many units do you think container A will hold?
Record an estimate that is:
too low
about right
too high
How many units do you think container B will hold?
Record an estimate that is:
too low
about right
too high
Use the unit container to compare the liquid volume that containers A and B hold. Which container holds the greater volume? How do you know?
Activity 2 Liquid Volume in Liters
How many liters of water will fit in the large container?
Record an estimate that is:
too low | about right | too high |
Practice Problem
Problem 1
For each item, decide whether it holds more than a liter, less than a liter, or about a liter.
a bathtub
a cup
a swimming pool
a small pot for a plant