Lesson 8 Understanding the Volume Formula

  • Let’s use formulas for volume to solve problems.

Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Dog Crates

What do you notice? What do you wonder?

small dog crate with dog inside
large dog crate with dog inside

Activity 1 Better Buy Volume

Use the volume of each box to determine which cereal purchase is the best buy.

box of cereal

height = 13 inches
width = 2 inches
length = 7 inches

cost = $5.98

variety boxes of cereal

height = 5 inches
width = 9 inches
length = 14 inches

cost = $4.98

Activity 2 Diego’s Dilemma

Diego is shipping one box filled with packages to his family. He has 3 different shaped packages. He has purchased a box to ship the packages.

Diego’s packages:

a 4x2x2 rectangular prism
a 4x2x1 rectangular prism
a 3x2x2 rectangular prism

Shipping box:

a 6x3x2 rectangular prism

Will all of the boxes fit without any extra space?
Explain or show your reasoning.