Lesson 16: Practice Problems

Problem 1

Kiran and his cousin work during the summer for a landscaping company. Kiran’s cousin has been working for the company longer, so his pay is 30% more than Kiran’s. Last week his cousin worked 27 hours, and Kiran worked 23 hours. Together, they earned $493.85. What is Kiran’s hourly pay? Explain or show your reasoning.

Problem 2

Decide which story can be represented by the system of equations and . Explain your reasoning.

  1. Diego’s teacher writes a test worth 100 points. There are 6 more multiple choice questions than short answer questions.

  2. Lin and her younger cousin measure their heights. They notice that Lin is 6 inches taller, and their heights add up to exactly 100 inches.

Problem 3

Clare and Noah play a game in which they earn the same number of points for each goal and lose the same number of points for each penalty. Clare makes 6 goals and 3 penalties, ending the game with 6 points. Noah earns 8 goals and 9 penalties and ends the game with points.

  1. Write a system of equations that describes Clare and Noah’s outcomes. Use to represent the number of points for a goal and to represent the number of points for a penalty.

  2. Solve the system. What does your solution mean?

Problem 4 From Unit 5 Lesson 15


Problem 5 From Unit 5 Lesson 14

Two lines intersecting in the first quadrant. One is a positive slope, the other is negative.
  1. Estimate the coordinates of the point where the two lines meet.

  2. Choose two equations that make up the system represented by the graph.

  3. Solve the system of equations and confirm the accuracy of your estimate.