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Lesson 6

Peer Review and Revise your Research Frame Tool

Using our Research Frame Tools, we will present our research frame and potential sources to another team who will provide feedback to improve and expand our thinking. We will then use the feedback to revise our frames and continue searching, assessing, and annotating potential texts.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I establish and explain an accurate understanding of the central ideas of texts?

  • Can I use language and strategies to accomplish my intended purpose in communicating?

  • Can I revisit, refine, and revise my understanding, knowledge, and work based on discussions with others and feedback and review by myself and others?

  • Can I effectively search for and explore a variety of credible sources to answer a question or solve a problem, using an organized and dynamic process of inquiry?


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Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss – Write

We will present our Research Frame Tool and Potential Sources Tools to another team and receive feedback.

Join another research team and take turns presenting your research so far.

As speakers present the Research Frame Tool, listeners should analyze and assess the inquiry paths and inquiry questions. Consider the following questions and write feedback to help improve the research frame:

  1. How effective is their use of language in conveying their Central Research Question? Is it clear what they are looking to solve or answer in their research?

  2. What new ideas, unsolved mysteries, fresh questions, or potential areas of exploration might the team consider adding to their plan?

  3. What adjustments or additions might they need to make to their inquiry questions or problem?

As speakers present the Potential Sources Tools, listeners should consider the following questions and write feedback to help improve their potential sources:

  1. Are there sources lacking in credibility that need to be replaced?

  2. What new information do they need in order to more fully address their inquiry question or problem?

  3. What missing perspectives do they need to research?

  4. Are there any parts of their research we should discard?

  5. Are there new places to seek out sources?

Finally, listeners complete the Credibility and Richness of Sources row and the Range of Perspectives row on the Research Evaluation Checklist. Also note any feedback related to the speaking skills exhibited by the speakers, using the list of characteristics of effective presentations co-created in the previous lesson as a reference.

After each research group presents, exchange written feedback. If time allows, participate in a brief whole-class discussion to share insights and observations.

Activity 2: Discuss – Read – Write

We will review our peers’ feedback and make revisions to our Research Frame Tools and Potential Sources Tools.

Carefully review and discuss the peer feedback.

Using the Research Evaluation Checklist and feedback, determine what revisions your team needs to make on your Research Frame Tool and a plan for tackling the work that remains in terms of finding, assessing, and annotating potential sources for your inquiry paths and questions.

In the next lesson, you will submit your current research portfolio for assessment. Be sure that each team member is assigned a specific task to prepare the portfolio, which will include revised copies of the following:

  • Research Frame Tool

  • Potential Sources Tools for key potential sources (consider discarding sources that are not as useful as others)

  • Research Note-Taking Tools

  • sections 1 and 2 of the Research Evaluation Checklist (filled in by your team in the next lesson to self-assess your progress)

You will submit these materials as a team, but you will be responsible to prepare parts of the portfolio individually.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will conference with our teacher about our team’s project and progress.

While the teams are revising, your teacher will continue to conference and review your list of sources, offering help to determine what is missing, incomplete, or lacking in richness, relevance, and credibility. With help from your teacher and your team, you can deepen your sense of what is required.

Activity 4: Read – Write

For homework, we will ensure that our team is ready to submit our materials in the next lesson.

Be ready to submit your team’s Research Frame Tool, Potential Sources Tools, and Research Note-Taking Tools in the next lesson.