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Section 2: Section Diagnostic

Task Question

  1. How might I retell a short story from another point of view?

Choose one of the short stories below and write a brief original narrative retelling the story from the point of view of another character.

  • Option 1: “The Lottery”: Rewrite all or part of the story as if it were being told from Tessie Hutchinson’s point of view.

  • Option 2: “The Far and the Near”: Rewrite all or part of the story as if it were being told from the point of view of the woman or daughter who live in the “tidy little cottage” by the railroad line.

  • Option 3: “A Rose for Emily”: Rewrite all or part of the story as if it were being told from Emily Grierson’s point of view.

In writing your original narrative, be sure to do the following:

  • Retell the story in first person from the point of view of one of its characters.

  • Use the narrative events and structure of the source story to organize your retelling of it.

  • Model your writing style, sentence structure, and word choice after the author whose story you are retelling.

  • Use descriptive language and vivid sensory details to develop the setting, characters, and plot.

  • Convey a theme that is related to the theme of the source story.

  • Maintain consistent verb tense.