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Lesson 4

We will continue our practice of writing analytical statements on the author craft, this time focusing on Chapters 29–30. We will also use the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool to add to our study of the central issues in the text. We will end this lesson with a mentor sentence activity.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I establish and explain an accurate understanding of the central ideas of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks?

  • Can I recognize and interpret important relationships among key literary techniques and structure within a text?



  • Tradebook
    • The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot, Crown Publishing Group, 2010



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Write – Discuss

We will write a second analytical statement about author craft with textual support.

Step 1

Individually, pick one chapter from the homework to analyze and one of the following categories from the Author CraftNote-Taking Tool to focus your analysis: diction and tone, imagery and figurative language, representation, structure, or syntax.

Access the Analyzing Relationships Tool and write down this guiding question at the top:

What effect does Skloot’s use of _____ have on the reader’s understanding of the text?

Put your chosen category in the blank space.

Review the chapter and take notes as you find details that relate to your category. Choose three key details from the text and use the Analyzing Relationships Tool to examine the details and come to an analytical statement about Rebecca Skloot’s craft in the chapter.

When writing an analytical statement, identify the author’s technique and its effect on the reader. Then, provide an example to support your statement.

In your Learning Log, write the following:

  • the technique that Rebecca Skloot devises by using the terms on the Author CraftNote-Taking Tool

  • an example of this technique from your reading

  • the purpose of the technique and its intended effect

Step 2

Next, create two sentences for your analytical statement. Use the sentence frame below:

In The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot uses _____(technique) to _____ (purpose). For example, _____.

Step 3

Share your sentences with your group and discuss the following questions:

  1. Is this a style or structure that makes the author stand out from other authors that you have read?

  2. How is Skloot’s specific purpose in this text different from the purpose of other texts you have read?

Select one sentence from the group to share with the class.

Add to or modify your notes in your Learning Log based on the discussion. You will update your Author CraftNote-Taking Tool in an upcoming activity.

Activity 2: Read – Write – Discuss

We will analyze one of the central issues in chapters 29–30 using the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool.

Step 1

Individually, pick one of the central issues—race, class, ethics, or science—and one of the chapters from the reading homework. Make sure to review your notes from the reading to pick a relevant issue. Each member of your group should pick a different issue or chapter. When you have chosen your issue and chapter, use a copy of the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool to analyze the issue with the following question:

  1. What central claims does Skloot make about _____ in Chapter _____, and how does she present them?

Step 2

When you have completed the tool, share your conclusions with your group and pick one conclusion to share with the class. In your notes, add details about other central issues that students analyzed in the reading.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will analyze the representation of a key person in the text using guiding questions.

Step 1

In your groups, evaluate how Zakariyya is represented in Part 3 of the text. Use the guiding questions from the Representation of Key Persons section of the Author Craft Note-Taking Tool. Make sure to explain your answers and add evidence from the text.

When you are finished, pick one answer to share with the class. Add to or modify your answers during the class discussion as you deepen your understanding of Zakariyya.

Step 2

Complete a summary statement about Zakariyya’s representation in the text. Use one piece of evidence from your notes to support your statement.

Review your Learning Log to see how this representation compares to the one you completed for Chapter 19 in Section 2, Lesson 5.

Activity 4: Read – Discuss – Write

We will discuss and analyze Rebecca Skloot’s sentences, analyzing the diction and sentence structure. We will then write sentences that mimic her structure, style, grammar, and punctuation.

Step 1

Reading like a writer involves studying how an author writes and determining why the author makes specific writing choices at the paragraph and sentence level. Understanding what those writing choices mean and deconstructing how the author made those choices can help you emulate those choices in your own writing practice and diversify your range of writing strategies.

Follow your teacher’s direction regarding grouping, materials, and which mentor sentences you will analyze. Use the Working with Mentor Sentences Tool to work through the following steps for each mentor sentence:

Step 2

Read the sentence aloud. Unpack any unfamiliar vocabulary using your vocabulary strategies. Then, determine what the sentence is saying, and paraphrase the sentence to convey its meaning based on your initial understanding.

Step 3

Deconstruct the whole into parts. Split the sentence up into parts as directed by your teacher; sometimes your teacher will give you the parts, and sometimes you will have to split the sentence on your own. Complete the following for each part:

  • Determine the parts of speech and function.

  • Note other observations about the part, such as examples of effective diction or changes in verb tense or point of view.

Step 4

Follow along as your teacher reviews the relevant grammatical terms and concepts of specific phrases and clauses, punctuation, syntax, mood, and tone.

Step 5

Analyze the concepts. Review, discuss, and revise your deconstruction notes. Then, respond to the following questions:

  1. Which parts make up the main clause? The main clause is the main subject and predicate that expresses the central idea of the sentence. Write down the sentence, underlining the main clause.

  2. How do the other parts of the sentence (e.g., phrases, clauses, modifiers) enhance the main clause?

  3. How could you restructure this sentence so that it relays the same message to the reader? What is the impact of the different structures on your understanding?

  4. What revisions need to be made to your initial paraphrasing now that you have increased your understanding of the sentence?

Step 6

Analyze mood, tone, and meaning. Discuss the following questions:

  1. What mood does the author create in this sentence? How is this mood created?

  2. What tone is conveyed by the author in this sentence? How is that tone conveyed?

  3. What does this sentence contribute to the author’s ideas in the text? How does it expand your understanding of the text or author?

Step 7

Follow your teacher’s directions about choosing one or two mentor sentences to mimic. Use your deconstruction analysis of your chosen sentences to write your own, mimicking what the author does in terms of structure, style, grammar, and punctuation. The specific content of your sentences is your choice. Be prepared to share your sentences with your peers.

Activity 5: Read – Write

For homework, we will read chapters 31–32 in The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.

For homework, read and annotate Chapters 31-32 of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Respond to the following guiding questions in your Learning Log, providing evidence from the text to support your answers?

Chapter 31

  1. Based on this chapter, what new or more nuanced understanding do you have about Deborah in this chapter?

  2. Based on this chapter, what new or more nuanced understanding do you have about Deborah and Rebecca Skloot’s relationship?

Chapter 32

  1. What do Deborah and Zakayyara learn in this chapter? Why is it important?

  2. How does Dr. Lengauer compare to the other doctors and researchers presented in the text?

Be sure to write down new or interesting words in your Vocabulary Journal.