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The Ethics of Public Health DecisionsCulminating Task

Central Question

How do we balance the common good with individual rights and personal liberty?

Task Question

  1. In light of personal beliefs, individual rights, and social justice, how should we address the common good as it relates to topics of public health?

Based on the texts you have read in this unit, write an argumentative essay that establishes and supports a position in response to a current issue related to public health, choosing from one of the following subtopics:

  • Subtopic 1: Vaccines — Mandates and Objections: In light of personal beliefs, individual rights, and social justice, how should we address the common good as it relates to mandatory vaccination?

  • Subtopic 2: Vaccines — Research and Testing: How should we address ethical issues and questions involving the development, testing, approval, and dispersal of vaccines in light of the immediate public need for protection from infectious diseases?

  • Subtopic 3: Access to Public Health Resources: How should we address issues of unequal access to public health resources, healthcare, and preventative measures such as vaccines?

  • Subtopic 4: Other Ethical Issues: Based on the current state of public health in the US and the world, what is a pressing ethical issue and a defensible response?

In your argumentative essay, be sure to do the following:

  • develop a clear position supported by a series of evidence-based claims

  • include at least one counterargument refuting an opposing position

  • support your claims with evidence from multiple credible sources and include proper citations

  • organize your claims and evidence into a well-reasoned argument for a specific audience and purpose

  • use effective diction, syntax, and tone