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Lesson 3

We will determine which of the subtopics we want to study further as background for the argument we will write in Section 5. We will join a research team to further investigate the topic, issues, and questions, then begin additional reading in the subtopic.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I identify the claims, reasoning, and evidence used to develop arguments and explanations?

  • Can I recognize points of connection between two texts and make objective and logical comparisons?

  • Can I work in a research team to identify a direction for inquiry and questions to guide research in a subtopic of public health?


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Activity 1: Read – Discuss

As a class, we will re-examine the Culminating Task expectations and possible subtopic options and questions.

Reread and annotate the Culminating Task Checklist, focusing on the tasks and this guiding question:

  1. What does this final thinking and writing task expect me to do and produce?

Discuss the general task expectations.

Activity 2: Read – Discuss

We will discuss each of the subtopic options and how it relates to what we have read, discussed, and thought about during the unit. Individually, we will rate our understanding of and interest in each of the subtopics. We will discuss and compare our perspectives on two of the areas with other students.

Access the Subtopic Supplemental Texts Handouts for the subtopic options your teacher has identified. You will use the information on these handouts to find online supplemental research sources.

Focus on the three subtopic issues and questions, and the fourth area, if you have identified other current subtopics, issues, and questions. Consider the following questions as a class:

  1. What are the subtopic issues, and how are they related to what we have studied and discussed in the unit?

  2. Specifically, what is the central controversy represented by the question for each area? What do key words suggest about the issue and various ways to address it?

Individually, rate your understanding and interest in each of the subtopics. Identify two issues that most interest you, and join, in succession, two discussion teams to see what other students are thinking.

In each discussion team, express your perspective on the issue and compare it to what other students are thinking.

Activity 3: Discuss

We will consider the various perspectives of the subtopic we have interest in.

In a class discussion, review the subtopics.

For each area, discuss various perspectives that might be taken and developed.

Consider also what the purpose might be for writing an argument in that subtopic and who might be its primary audience.

Refer to texts examined in the unit as possible sources of information or arguments, and how they might relate to the various perspectives and purposes that could be developed.

Activity 4: Write

Each of us will determine the subtopic that most interests us and write a short explanation of the general perspective we might take in our subtopic.

Determine which subtopic issue you might address. Write a paragraph that briefly explains the issue and analyzes a question that could be addressed.

Articulate and explain the position you might take, connecting it to what you have learned and thought about in the unit.

Activity 5: Read

For homework, we will review our Learning Log, annotated texts, and the tools we have developed to see what might be relevant to our subtopic and perspective.

For homework, revisit your Learning Log, annotated texts, tools, and notes to see what from the unit might be relevant to the subtopic issue, question, or perspective you have identified.