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Lesson 5

We will do final revisions and edits to our argumentative essays, considering the expression, grammar, and usage issues that have been a focus for instruction in the unit.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I understand the particular expression, grammar, and usage concepts focused on in this unit?

  • Can I use peer feedback and self-reflection to edit and improve the expression, grammar, and usage of my argument in the specified focus areas?


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Activity 1: Discuss

We will review and learn more about the expression, grammar, and usage concepts that have been focused on in this unit.

Participate in a class discussion of ways to improve the clarity and power of expression in an argument.

Review the grammar and usage issues that have been a focus for learning in the unit, including any identified in your Mentor Sentence Journals.

Activity 2: Discuss – Read

We will use sentence modeling exercises to help us consider ways to improve the clarity and power of our sentences, word choices, and overall expression.

Follow along as your teacher introduces, models, and leads you in sentence building practice.

Access the Tollefsen Claims and Counterclaims Handout that you might have used previously in Section 4. Find the Mentor Sentence Journal entries you made in response to this handout and the following tasks:

  1. Identify key vocabulary or challenging words in the claim statement.

  2. Paraphrase what the claim statement seems to be saying, in as direct a sentence as possible.

  3. Explain why you think the claim statement is important in developing the overall argument.

  4. Discuss why you agree or disagree with the claim statement.

  5. Use a sentence from the claim statement as a mentor sentence model; following the syntax and language of the sentence, write a new sentence that you might use in your own argument.

Review the sentences you have written, either as paraphrases or new claims, in this and other lessons. Determine which sentences you might use or model as you work to strengthen the expression of your draft argument.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss

With an editing partner, we will review our draft arguments, examining the clarity and vigor of our sentences and language choices. We will evaluate the overall tone of our writing, and its appropriateness for our purpose and audience.

Use a criteria-based review process with a writing partner to review the sentences and word choices in your draft argument.

Read your draft aloud to your writing partner, and ask your partner to describe the overall tone of the expression and voice behind the argument.

Identify sentences and language that are unclear in meaning.

Identify sentences and word choices that might be more impactful and thus increase the power of the argument.

Activity 4: Read – Discuss

With an editing partner, we will review our draft arguments in relation to the grammar and usage concepts that have been the focus of this unit.

Use a criteria-based review process with a writing partner to review your draft argument for the identified grammar and usage issues.

Activity 5: Write

Based on what we have learned and the feedback we have received, we will edit and revise our drafts to correct any errors of grammar and usage.

Do a final revision and editing of your draft to improve its expression and correct any identified errors in grammar or usage.

Activity 6: Write

For homework, we will finish revising and editing our draft arguments and prepare final drafts for sharing with the class, our intended audience, and our teacher.

Complete a final revision and editing of your draft to improve its expression and correct any identified errors in grammar or usage.

Based on your purpose and audience, and the expectations for your final product, produce a polished argument that will be presented to the class or another audience and submitted to your teacher.