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Lesson 5

We will finish reading Chapter 3 in Friday Night Lights and analyze how Boobie’s past, including his uncle’s past, the culture in West Texas, and high school athletics, shaped Boobie’s self-image. This lesson is a continuation of the previous lesson; however, our analysis will shift from a focus on fandom to the culture that surrounds Boobie and his uncle. We will again form claims about Boobie’s self-image based on textual evidence from the book.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I develop and clearly communicate meaningful and defensible claims that represent valid, evidence-based analysis of multiple texts as I create an argument?

  • Can I identify the claims, reasoning, and evidence used to develop arguments and explanations in Friday Night Lights?

  • Can I use connections among details, elements, and effects to make logical deductions about Bissinger’s perspective, purpose, and meaning in Friday Night Lights?



  • Tradebook
    • Friday Night Lights, H.G. Bissinger, Da Capo Press, 1990



Reference Guides

Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will review the claims reference guide discussed in the previous lesson. We will also document the claims about fandom made by the author in Friday Night Lights.

During a class discussion, review the Claims Reference Guide.

As a whole group, discuss, identify, and write down the Bissenger’s claims about fandom either identified in previous lessons or identified during this discussion. Make note of these claims in your Learning Log.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will review the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool that we used in the previous lesson. Because we will be using this tool as we finish reading chapter 3 in Friday Night Lights, reviewing how we used the tool in a previous lesson will prepare us for this lesson.

With your small group, review the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool used in the previous lesson. Discuss each part of the tool and what information you gathered to complete the appropriate sections of the document. Review what steps you took to complete the analysis of the text to complete the document, as your group will complete a new Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool.

Activity 3: Read – Write

We will read part 2 of chapter 3 in Friday Night Lights, focusing on boobie, his uncle’s background, and their relationship.

Step 1

Read and annotate Part 2 of Chapter 3 of Friday Night Lights. As you read the chapter, consider the following question:

  1. How do the backgrounds of Boobie and his uncle, L.V., shape Boobie’s self-image as he enters adulthood?

Step 2

With a small group, complete the Analyze the Details section of the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool with information that will help you form a claim that answers the guiding question stated above.

Activity 4: Read – Write

We will read the remainder of chapter 3 of Friday Night Lights. As we read, we will work to gather information for the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool.

Read and annotate Part 3 of Chapter 3 of Friday Night Light. As you read, gather any additional information that applies to the guiding question for this lesson:

  1. How do the backgrounds of Boobie and his uncle, L.V., shape Boobie’s self-image as he enters adulthood?

Write down this information on your Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool.

Activity 5: Write

Complete the form a claim section of the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool. Using the information you gathered in the first portion of the document and the discussion as a class and in your small group, create a claim that answers the guiding question posed in this lesson.

Review the information gathered in the Analyze the Details portion of the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool. Considering this information and the discussions you had with your classmates, individually complete the Form a Claim section.

Forming an evidence-based claim, the last activity on the tool, is the most important task. This claim should answer the guiding question using evidence from the text.