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Lesson 8

We will write a multiparagraph synopsis of the movie we independently watched and analyzed that provides background information about the movie, summarizes its storyline and its central characters’ story arcs, and analyzes its use of filmmaking techniques, its overall style, and the filmmakers’ message.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I gather and organize my observations from my analysis to accurately synopsize a film?
  • Summarize: How well do I understand and explain the plot and main ideas of a film?
  • Evaluate Effects: How well do I understand the relationship between filmmakers’ storytelling choices and the effect of the film?


  • Communicate Effectively: How well do I use writing to synopsize the film I viewed independently, communicating clearly to readers who may or may not have seen the film?
  • Use Conventions to Produce Clear Writing: How well do I use clear writing skills to accurately communicate my ideas to readers?


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Reference Guides

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Read – Discuss

We will review the purpose of a movie synopsis and the expectation of the Section Diagnostic.

As a class, briefly review the concept and purpose of a movie synopsis. Review the expectations for the Section Diagnostic. Ask any clarifying questions before you begin writing.

Activity 2: Write

We will write a synopsis of the movie we watched independently.

Refer to the materials you have developed about the movie you chose to view independently: your completed Understanding a Movie Tool, the notes you made in your Learning Log and Vocabulary Journal, your response to the planning question sets, and the reviews you chose to quote in your Understanding a Movie Tool.

Use your plan for the synopsis that you developed for homework to write a clear synopsis of the movie you watched and analyzed independently.

Activity 3: Read – Write

Individually or with a partner, we will reread and review the synopses we have drafted, to ensure that they are meeting the expectations of the task.

Reread the list of "be sure to" expectations for the task from the Section Diagnostic Checklist.

Reread your draft synopsis, determining if you have met each of the expectations.

Make any revisions or edits that can improve your synopsis before submitting it to your teacher.

Submit your synopsis and Understanding a Movie Tool for your teacher’s review and evaluation.

Activity 4: Write

We will reflect on our work on the Section Diagnostic and assess our progress toward the Culminating Task.

Step 1

Choose at least three of the questions below regarding the Section Diagnostic and respond to them in your Learning Log:

  1. How well did you take necessary action to prepare for the task?

  2. What went well for you during the completion of this task?

  3. What did you struggle with during the completion of this task? How did you push through these struggles?

  4. How well did you actively focus your attention during this independent task?

  5. How well did you develop and use an effective and efficient process to maintain workflow during this task?

  6. What would you do differently during the next Section Diagnostic?

Step 2

Access and review the Culminating Task Progress Tracker. Think about the knowledge you have gained and the skills you have practiced thus far in the unit. Use the Culminating Task Progress Tracker to do the following:

  1. Add or refine any skills and content knowledge required for the Culminating Task.

  2. Evaluate how well you are mastering the skills and knowledge required for the Culminating Task.