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Lesson 3

How has the style of movie reviews changed in the era of the Internet and social media? We will preview the Section Diagnostic, which involves presenting an oral movie review, and watch a video of a review by a professional YouTube critic. As we watch a movie set in high school independently, we will search for online oral reviews and begin to think about how we might present our own reviews of our chosen movies.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I analyze how a contemporary movie reviewer uses the Internet to present his oral reviews of movies?

  • Can I interpret the Section Diagnostic task and begin planning my own oral movie review?



  • Digital Access
    • “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse — Movie Review,” Chris Stuckmann, YouTube, 2018



Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: View

As a contrast to the more formal written film reviews we have examined, we will study a contemporary review presented orally through youtube.

Access and view a contemporary movie review of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse by Internet reviewer Chris Stuckmann (or another review selected by your teacher).

In your Learning Log (or on a VideoNote-Taking Tool) make notes about how Stuckmann sets up and delivers his review and how it differs from the written reviews we have previously examined.

Activity 2: Discuss

We will discuss what we have observed about the reviewer’s style in delivering an oral internet movie review.

First in pairs, and then as a class, discuss the following text-specific questions and the YouTube movie review you viewed:

  1. What are the key storyline details of the movie that Stuckmann summarizes in the opening moments of the review? Why might he begin with a plot summary?

  2. What initial claims does Stuckmann make about why he likes the movie?

  3. What does Stuckmann say about how the movie uses humor and backstories to enliven its animated narrative?

  4. What does Stuckmann say about how Miles Morales’s sympathetic character arc is realized in the movie?

  5. What evidence from the movie does Stuckmann use to support his claim that the animation is spectacular?

  6. What are the "certain things" Stuckman says he wants in a Spiderman movie?

  7. What claim does Stuckmann make about what Spiderman’s message means to people?

  8. Why does Stuckmann give the movie an "A"? How does he sum up the reasons for his positive review?

  9. How would you describe Stuckmann’s approach and style in delivering his review? Use details from the video to support your ideas.

  10. How does his oral review compare to the written reviews we have previously examined?

Activity 3: Discuss

We will preview the expectations of the section 3 diagnostic checklist.

Access the Section 3 Diagnostic Checklist. Read and annotate the task description, paying attention to the "be sure to" list of expectations:

In your oral movie review and claim, be sure to do the following:

  • Identify the movie and key information about it.

  • Summarize the movie’s storyline and the character arc of at least one major character.

  • Interpret the movie’s theme and message, and explain how the filmmakers communicate that message.

  • Present an evaluative claim about the movie’s style, and specifically its use of setting, mood, and atmosphere.

  • Rate the movie and explain your rating.

  • Explain how your movie exemplifies a claim about high school movies developed by your review team.

  • Communicate clearly and energetically as you present your review and write your explanation of the claim.

As a class, discuss what the task expects you to do and how you will prepare to orally deliver your own version of a Stuckmann movie review to a team of fellow reviewers.

Discuss how the Understanding a Movie Tool you are completing for the high school movie you are watching independently can help provide information, evidence, and organization for the review you will plan and present.