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Lesson 2

We will organize evidence from our reading and research that can be used to support each of the claims or counterclaims we have developed or to respond to others’ claims that we intend to counter.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I identify, sequence, and cite evidence that is relevant and necessary in developing and supporting each of my claims and counterclaims?

  • Can I use peer feedback and reflective self-assessment to determine how to revise and improve my organized evidence plan for my argument and its claims?


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Activity 1: Discuss – Listen – Write

For each claim or counterclaim we have developed, we will complete a copy of the Organizing Evidence Tool to list and sequence the evidence, information, and quotations we intend to use to support our argument.

Review the draft plan you have developed for your argument. If necessary, make any additions or revisions.

Review with your teacher the process of using the Organizing Evidence Tool to identify, write down, and cite the final evidence you will use to develop each of your argument’s claims or counterclaims. For each claim or counterclaim, list, in order, the supporting evidence you intend to use.

Activity 2: Discuss – Write

We will work with a review partner from our research team to discuss the organization of our claims and the evidence we have identified.

Partner with a member of your research team whose argument’s focus is most closely related to your own, whether similar in position or opposed.

Review your plan for your partner, being specific about each of the claims you plan to develop and the supporting evidence you listed. Write down and reflect on the constructive feedback you receive.

Activity 3: Write

We will finalize our argument plans, focusing on the sequence of claims and newly organized evidence.

Based on your partner’s feedback and your own review and reflection, finalize your plan for your argument and determine if you need to identify and incorporate any further evidence.

Activity 4: Read

We will review the expectations of the section 4 diagnostic. For homework, we will identify any additional evidence that may be needed in order to fully develop our arguments and their claims, then incorporate the new information into our arguments’ organizational structure.

Review the Section 4 Diagnostic Checklist.

For homework, do a final review of all the sources you have examined in the unit, the notes you have taken in the unit, and your argument’s claim-based plan. Determine if you need any further evidence or if something you had not previously considered might be a useful addition. Incorporate this evidence into your plan, paying attention to how its inclusion affects the organization of your argument.

Review your Vocabulary Journal. Identify a significant word or words that you would like to use in your response to the Section Diagnostic.

Review your Mentor Sentence Journal. Select at least one technique that you plan to use when writing your response to the Section Diagnostic.