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Section 3: Section Diagnostic

Refine and revise your Section 1 Diagnostic to demonstrate how your understanding of what it means to be an American has expanded or changed after reading additional texts. Revise your Section 1 Diagnostic by refining your claims, adding new information, omitting irrelevant information, and expanding your explanation of what it means to be an American by adding in a counter perspective.

Complete your revisions by using the following questions to prompt your thinking:

  1. What do I need to add to make my claims clearer to my audience?

  2. How has my thinking changed since I first wrote my Section Diagnostic? How can my thinking be improved by my revisions?

  3. Are my organization and language effective for my task and audience?

  4. What additional support do I need to add in?

  5. Do I need to omit anything that is not adding value to my writing?

Your new draft should reflect a more sophisticated understanding of the topic based on the new information you have gleaned from researching.