Lesson 6 Justifying Constructions Practice Understanding

Jump Start

We examined this diagram in a previous Jump Start and wondered if we could claim if the two segments, and , were congruent.

A circle with center N and inscribed angle with endpoints on the circle Point C and Point A. The chord AC has a midpoint B. Point M on line NB with a circle drawn with M as the center.

How can you use triangle congruence criteria, such as ASA, SAS, or SSS, to prove that these two segments are congruent? (If you need help, your teacher has some hints to get you started.)

Learning Focus

Justify construction strategies.

How can I explain why particular constructions (made only with lines and circular arcs) work?

How might I draw upon triangle congruence criteria and the definitions of rigid transformations in my explanations?

Open Up the Math: Launch, Explore, Discuss

Compass and straightedge constructions can be justified using such tools as:

• definitions and properties of the rigid transformations

• identifications of the corresponding parts of congruent triangles

• conjectures about the attributes of sides, angles, and diagonals of special types of quadrilaterals


Study the steps of the following procedure for constructing an angle bisector, and complete the illustration based on the descriptions of the steps.



Using a compass, draw an arc (portion of a circle) that intersects each ray of the angle to be bisected, with the center of the arc located at the vertex of the angle.

An angle with an arc through both sides

Without changing the span of the compass, draw two arcs in the interior of the angle, with the center of the arcs located at the two points where the first arc intersected the rays of the angle.

With the straightedge, draw a ray from the vertex of the angle through the point where the last two arcs intersect.

Explain in detail why this construction works. It may be helpful to identify some congruent triangles or a familiar quadrilateral in the final illustration. You may also want to use definitions or properties of the rigid-motion transformations in your explanation. Be prepared to share your explanation with your peers.


Study the steps of the following procedure for constructing a line perpendicular to a given line through a given point, and complete the illustration based on the descriptions of the steps.



Using a compass, draw an arc (portion of a circle) that intersects the given line at two points, with the center of the arc located at the given point.

A line with an arc drawn such that it intersects the line open like a bowl with a point above the line and arc

Without changing the span of the compass, locate a second point on the other side of the given line by drawing two arcs on the same side of the line, with the center of the arcs located at the two points where the first arc intersected the line.

With the straightedge, draw a line through the given point and the point where the last two arcs intersect.

Explain in detail why this construction works. It may be helpful to identify some congruent triangles or a familiar quadrilateral in the final illustration. You may also want to use definitions or properties of the rigid-motion transformations in your explanation. Be prepared to share your explanation with your peers.


Study the steps of the following procedure for constructing a line parallel to a given line through a given point, and complete the illustration based on the descriptions of the steps.



Using a straightedge, draw a line through the given point to form an arbitrary angle with the given line.

two line segments intersect, one of the lines contains a point, and an arc is drawn such that it intersects both line segments and opens towards the intersection of the line segments.

Using a compass, draw an arc (portion of a circle) that intersects both rays of the angle formed, with the center of the arc located at the point where the drawn line intersects the given line.

Without changing the span of the compass, draw a second arc on the same side of the drawn line, centered at the given point. The second arc should be as long or longer than the first arc and should intersect the drawn line.

Set the span of the compass to match the distance between the two points where the first arc crosses the two lines. Without changing the span of the compass, draw a third arc that intersects the second arc, centered at the point where the second arc intersects the drawn line.

With the straightedge, draw a line through the given point and the point where the last two arcs intersect.

Explain in detail why this construction works. It may be helpful to identify some congruent triangles or a familiar quadrilateral in the final illustration. You may also want to use definitions or properties of the rigid-motion transformations in your explanation. Be prepared to share your explanation with your peers.

Ready for More?

Draw a line segment and a point not on the line. Using the line segment as one side of a parallelogram and the point as one of the vertices of the parallelogram, construct the parallelogram with a segment representing the height of the parallelogram constructed from one vertex perpendicular to the opposite side.


Strategies I might use when justifying constructions:

These strategies will also be useful in future geometry work.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, we examined some standard constructions, such as bisecting an angle, constructing a line perpendicular to a given line through a given point, and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a given point. We found that we could explain why these constructions work based on properties of quadrilaterals, using corresponding parts of congruent triangles, or relying on the defining features and properties of rigid transformations.



This regular octagon is to be used as a decorative window in the front of a house. The carpenters framed in an opening for it. How many degrees would they need to rotate it to make the window fit into the opening eight different ways?

a regular octagon



Find the distance between point and point . Then find the slope of the line that passes through them.