Lesson 9 Addition With a Ten

    • Let’s use a ten to make teen numbers.

Warm-up Notice and Wonder: Teen Numbers

What do you notice?
What do you wonder?

Ten frame, full. Below, 3 counters.
Connecting cubes. 1 tower of ten cubes and 4 more cubes.

Activity 1 Make It: Teen Numbers and 10-Frames

Double 10 frame with two-color counters

Use your 10-frames to build teen numbers.
Write an equation that matches the teen number.

  1. teen number


  2. If you have time… Write another equation for each of the teen numbers.

Activity 2 Equations With a Ten

Find the number that makes each equation true.
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

Find the number that makes each equation true.
Show your thinking using drawings, numbers, or words.