Lesson 6 Tell and Act Out Stories

    • Let’s tell and act out stories.

Warm-up How Many Do You See: Add To

How many do you see? 
How do you see them?

  1. Dot images. 4 dots.
  2. Dot images. First image 4 dots. Second image 1 dot.
  3. Dot images. First image 4 dots. Second image 2 dots.
  4. Dot images. First image 4 dots. Second image 4 dots.

Activity 1 What is Happening?

Children jumping rope. Children waiting for a turn.

Look at this picture of children. Imagine what you think is happening in the picture. Tell your partner a story about what is happening in the picture.

Activity 2 Act Out a Story

Playground. Swings. Sandbox. Seesaw. Slide. Soccer ball. Jump rope.
  1. There were 4 students jumping rope at recess.
    2 more students came out to play with them.

  2. There were 6 students playing soccer at recess.
    3 of the students had to go inside.

Activity 3 Introduce Subtraction Towers, Objects

Choose a center.

Subtraction Towers

Center activity, Subtraction Towers.


Center. 5 frame.

Build Shapes

Center activity, build shapes.

Counting Collections

Center. Counting Collections.

Practice Problem

Problem 1

Tell your partner a story using the picture.

5 penguin near water and rocks.