Lesson 17 Make and Break Apart 10

    • Let’s look for groups that make 10.

Warm-up Estimation Exploration: 5 and 5 makes 10

  1. How many dots are there?

    a group of dots

    Record an estimate that is:

    too low

    about right

    too high

  2. How many dots are there?

    a group of red and yellow dots

    Record an estimate that is:

    too low

    about right

    too high

Activity 1 10 Beads

We are going to make a tool that will help us work with the number 10.

Activity 2 Make and Break Apart 10

Problem 1

Use your beads to show each equation. When your partner shows you their beads, tell them the equation to make 10 and draw a picture to show what the beads look like.

Problem 2

Fill in each equation to match the pictures of beads. You can use your bead tool if it’s helpful.

  1. an equation represented by a group of 5 red beads and a group of 5 yellow beads.

  2. an equation represented by 1 red beads and a group of 4 red and 5 yellow beads.

  3. Bead tool with 8 counters on left and 2 on the right

Activity 3 Centers: Choice Time

Choose a center.

Shake and Spill

Center. Shake and Spill.

Number Race

Center. Number Race.

Grab and Count

Center. Grab and Count.

What’s Behind My Back?

Center. What's Behind My Back.

Pattern Blocks

Center. Pattern Blocks.