Lesson 4: Practice Problems

Problem 1

A particular shade of orange paint has 2 cups of yellow paint for every 3 cups of red paint. On the double number line, circle the numbers of cups of yellow and red paint needed for 3 batches of orange paint.

A double number line with 7 evenly spaced tick marks.   The top number line is labeled “yellow paint in cups” and starting with the first tick mark 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 are labeled.   The bottom number line is labeled “red paint in cups” and starting with the first tick mark 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 are labeled.

Problem 2

This double number line diagram shows the amount of flour and eggs needed for 1 batch of cookies.

  1. Complete the diagram to show the amount of flour and eggs needed for 2, 3, and 4 batches of cookies.

    A double number line with the top one labeled flour in cups and the bottom one is number of eggs. They both start at 0 and the first tick mark is labeled 5 on the top and 3 on the bottom
  2. What is the ratio of cups of flour to eggs?

  3. How much flour and how many eggs are used in 4 batches of cookies?

  4. How much flour is used with 6 eggs?

  5. How many eggs are used with 15 cups of flour?

Problem 3

Here is a representation showing the amount of red and blue paint that make 2 batches of purple

Two identical diagrams with a row of 3 red squares and a row of 2 blue squares. The red row is labeled red paint and the blue row is labeled blue paint.
  1. On the double number line, label the tick marks to represent amounts of red and blue paint used to make batches of this shade of purple paint.

    A double number line labeled red pain and blue paint. Each start at 0 and have 5 tick marks (including 0)
  2. How many batches are made with 12 cups of red paint?

  3. How many batches are made with 6 cups of blue paint?

Problem 4

Diego estimates that there will need to be 3 pizzas for every 7 kids at his party. Select all the statements that express this ratio.

  1. The ratio of kids to pizzas is .

  2. The ratio of pizzas to kids is 3 to 7.

  3. The ratio of kids to pizzas is .

  4. The ratio of pizzas to kids is 7 to 3.

  5. For every 7 kids there need to be 3 pizzas.

Problem 5

  1. Draw a parallelogram that is not a rectangle that has an area of 24 square units. Explain or show how you know the area is 24 square units.

    blank grid
  2. Draw a triangle that has an area of 24 square units. Explain or show how you know the area is 24 square units.

    blank grid