Lesson 19: Practice Problems

Problem 1

This package of sliced cheese costs $2.97.

How much would a package with 18 slices cost at the same price per slice? Explain or show your reasoning.

An image of a package of cheese slices. At the top of the package “Cheddar Deli Style Cheese” is labeled and at the bottom of the package, in a circle, “11 thin slices” are labeled.

Problem 2

A copy machine can print 480 copies every 4 minutes. For each question, explain or show your reasoning.

  1. How many copies can it print in 10 minutes?

  2. A teacher printed 720 copies. How long did it take to print?

Problem 3

Order these objects from heaviest to lightest. (Note: 1 pound = 16 ounces, 1 kilogram 2.2 pounds, and 1 ton = 2,000 pounds)



school bus

9 tons


1,100 pounds


5,500 kilograms

grand piano

15,840 ounces

Problem 4 From Unit 2 Lesson 16

Andre sometimes mows lawns on the weekend to make extra money. Two weeks ago, he mowed a neighbor’s lawn for hour and earned $10. Last week, he mowed his uncle’s lawn for hours and earned $30. This week, he mowed the lawn of a community center for 2 hours and earned $30.

Which jobs paid better than others? Explain your reasoning.

Problem 5 From Unit 2 Lesson 13

Calculate and express your answer in decimal form.

Problem 6 From Unit 1 Lesson 9

Here is a polygon.

  1. Decompose this polygon so that its area can be calculated. All measurements are in centimeters.

    A heart-shaped polygon. Arrows along the bottom indicate the width of each half of the polygon is 6. Arrows along the top indicate that each of the six sides at the top span 2 units. Arrows along the right side indicate that the top portion of the polygon is 2 units, the middle portion is 3 units, and the bottom portion is 6 units.
  2. Calculate its area. Organize your work so that it can be followed by others.