Lesson 12: Practice Problems

Problem 1

Diego measured the diameter and circumference of several circular objects and recorded his measurements in the table.


diameter (cm)

circumference (cm)

half dollar coin

flying disc

jar lid

flower pot

One of his measurements is inaccurate. Which measurement is it? Explain how you know.

Problem 2

Complete the table. Use one of the approximate values for discussed in class (for example 3.14, , 3.1416). Explain or show your reasoning.




hula hoop

circular pond

magnifying glass

car tire

Problem 3 From Unit 5 Lesson 11

is the center of the circle, and the length of is 15 centimeters.

A circle with a center A. A diameter line CD measures 15 cm. There are radius lines from A to B, E, and G
  1. Name a segment that is a radius. How long is it?

  2. Name a segment that is a diameter. How long is it?

Problem 4

  1. Consider the equation . Find four pairs of and values that make the equation true. Plot the points on the coordinate plane.

    A blank graph numbered 0 to 7 on the x axis and 0 to 14 (in increments of 2) on the y axis
  2. Based on the graph, can this be a proportional relationship? Why or why not?