Lesson 4: Practice Problems

Problem 1

  1. Find the exact length of each line segment.

    Two line segments AB, GH drawn on a grip at different angles.
  2. Estimate the length of each line segment to the nearest tenth of a unit. Explain your reasoning.

Problem 2

Plot each number on the -axis: . Consider using the grid to help.

a blank grid

Problem 3

Use the fact that is a solution to the equation to find a decimal approximation of whose square is between 6.9 and 7.1.

Problem 4

  1. Explain how you know that is a little more than .

  2. Explain how you know that is a little less than .

  3. Explain how you know that is between and .

Problem 5

Plot each number on the number line:

A number line with 6 evenly spaced tick marks and the integers 5 through 10 are indicated.

Problem 6

The equation has two solutions. This is because both , and also . So, 5 is a solution, and also -5 is a solution.

Select all the equations that have a solution of -4:

Problem 7

Find all the solutions to each equation.

Problem 8 From Unit 5 Lesson 4

The points and lie on a line. What is the slope of the line?