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Section 4: Section Diagnostic

Write a multiparagraph response that analyzes the effectiveness of the authors’ choices in their presentation of complex issues (race, ethics, class, or science). In your response, do the following:

  • Analyze the effectiveness of Skloot’s and another author’s presentation of a complex issue.

  • Explain how the complex issue is treated in each text.

  • Determine and explain the techniques each author uses to convey his or her perspective of the complex issue.

  • Explain the effects of their choices on the reader’s understanding of the issue.

In your response, be sure to do the following:

  • Form a strong central claim.

  • Use relevant details and evidence from each text to develop your ideas and analysis.

  • Organize your ideas into paragraphs that establish a logical, coherent, and well-developed analysis.

  • Clearly communicate your analysis through effective word choice, sentence and paragraph development, and transitions among ideas.

  • Use the proper conventions of usage, mechanics, and punctuation.