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Lesson 7

As an introduction to the public health realm of infectious diseases and vaccines designed to prevent them, and in preparation for the Lesson 7 Section Diagnostic, we will conduct expert research team investigations into important questions. Each team will study an infographic, article, and video to gather information that can be shared with others in the class. Following our research, each team will present its findings to the class in an informational forum in the next lesson for the Section Diagnostic.

Lesson Goals

  • Can I use context clues and vocabulary resources to understand and explain key terminology related to infectious diseases?

  • Can I provide an accurate overview of researched information related to infectious diseases?

  • Can I work in a collaborative team to research information about a subtopic of infectious diseases?

  • Can I, as part of a research team, organize information for a presentation to other students?


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Question Sets

Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Discuss

We will divide the class into expert research teams to research a question about vaccinations and begin the process by reading and analyzing online articles related to our research questions.

Join a research team of four or five, focused on one of the research questions related to infectious diseases and vaccines located on the Informational Research Questions and Sources Handout. You might be assigned to a team or choose one based on the article you read and video you viewed for homework at the end of the previous lesson.

Begin your team discussion and research process by sharing initial thoughts about your team’s question and the informational article and video you researched for homework.

Activity 2: Discuss – Write

We will identify, discuss, and make a list of key takeaways from the research articles and videos that can be shared with the class. We will determine how our questions, articles, and videos can be viewed from the perspectives of the common good and personal liberty.

In a team discussion, share and compare the takeaways you each identified in your Learning Logs while closely reading your article and viewing your video. Make a master list of all the ideas and information that stood out to you.

Pare your list down to about five to seven big ideas you will share with the class during a presentation in the next lesson.

As you discuss your question, article, video, and list of big ideas, consider the following questions:

  1. In what ways is consideration of the common good an issue in your question area?

  2. In what ways is consideration of individual rights and personal liberty an issue in your question area?

Prepare a short summary of your team’s analysis. If applicable, include any thoughts in relation to these two questions, which you can share with the class.

Activity 3: Read – Discuss – Write

We will examine an infographic that presents information related to our question areas and generate a list of key terms and definitions that will be added to the class word wall.

Access the infographic for your research question area. Your infographic should present important information visually, and might also identify key vocabulary terms related to your question area. Review your Vocabulary Journal for examples.

Discuss what you see in the infographic, how it relates to your research question, and what you identify as important to share with the class.

Make a list of vocabulary terms to be added to the class Word Wall, and assign team members one to two words they will prepare definitions and graphics for.

Activity 4: Discuss – Write

Based on our reading and discussion, we will form a summary claim related to our research question that can be shared with the class.

As a team, discuss what you have now learned in your question area from the article you have read, video you have viewed, infographic you have examined, and vocabulary words you have defined.

As a team, form a summary claim that responds to your research question and can be shared with the class during your team presentation in the next lesson. You might use the Forming Evidence-Based Claims Tool to assist you.

Activity 5: Read – Discuss – Write

We will prepare a 5–10 minute presentation outline during which we will present our question, demo and explain our infographic, teach the definitions of the key terms we have identified, and present our summary claim for the rest of the class.

Step 1

Read the Section 1 Diagnostic Checklist and review the presentation goals on the checklist.

  • How well do I form and explain a summary claim in response to a team research question?

  • How well do I work in a collaborative team to research and present information about a subtopic related to infectious diseases?

  • How well do I use purposeful language, examples, and media support to present information to other students?

With your research team, discuss examples, characteristics, or criteria that you will need to have in your presentations to meet these goals. For example, what might you need to include in your explanation of your summary claim so that it responds effectively to your research question? How well did you parse out the presentation content so that each team member has an opportunity to present? What new vocabulary or examples will be helpful to showcase the information you learned? How will you make the presentation engaging and easy to understand for your student audience?

Step 2

Based on the summary claim you crafted in the previous activity, work with your research team to outline your presentation. Be sure your outline conveys the structure, content, and sequence of your presentation. Additionally, your presentation should have an introduction with smooth transitions and a conclusion that does the following:

  • Clearly states evidence-based claims that summarize what you have learned about your topic and answers your research question.

  • Supports your claims with textual evidence from credible sources.

  • Includes and explains an infographic as one of your sources.

Be sure to include an opportunity for the audience to ask you questions during a closing Q&A session at the end of your presentation.

Activity 6: Read – Discuss – Write

We will assign roles and create all materials for the following lesson’s Section Diagnostic presentation.

Step 1

Now that you have your presentation outline drafted, create a list of materials and tools needed with your research team. Consider any visual or technological components you might need to make the presentation more compelling for your audience.

Step 2

Assign roles for the presentation so that each member of the research team has a separate responsibility and can make a contribution to the team effort. Each team member needs to present some part of the presentation’s content and be responsible for the materials and technology components for their part of the presentation.

Step 3

Based on your role and responsibility, prepare for the team’s presentation in the next lesson by drafting your part of the presentation based on the outline. Be sure to include relevant terms from your Vocabulary Journal in your presentation.