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Lesson 8

We will integrate our newfound understanding of approaches to ethical decision making, public health controversies, and vaccinations by working in research teams to address investigative questions, interpret informational texts and infographics, and develop evidence-based claims that summarize what we have learned about our topics and their relationship to the ethics of public health. We will participate in an informational presentation for the class or another public audience. Following the presentation, we will write a short reflective narrative.

Lesson Goals

Reading and Knowledge

  • Summarize: How well do I provide an accurate overview of researched information related to infectious diseases?
  • Gather and Organize Evidence: How well do I, as part of a research team, organize information for a presentation to other students?

Speaking and Listening

  • Form Claims: How well do I form and explain a summary claim in response to a team research question?
  • Collaborate: How well do I work in a collaborative team to research and present information about a subtopic related to infectious diseases?
  • Communicate Effectively: How well do I use purposeful language, examples, and media support to present information to other students?



  • Digital Access
    • “The Vaccine War,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting Service, 2015



Editable Google Docs

Activity 1: Present – Write

Each of our expert research teams will deliver a 5–10 minute presentation that involves all members of the team.

Reread the Section 1 Diagnostic Checklist.

Using the order of the Informational Research Questions and SourcesHandout as an organizer, deliver a series of 5-10 minute team presentations that follow the guidelines on the Section 1 Diagnostic Checklist.

While you are acting as an audience member, make relevant observations or ask pertinent questions of the presenting team at the end of each team presentation. Make notes in your Learning Log.

Activity 2: Discuss – Read – Write

As a class, we will discuss and summarize what we have learned through collaborative research about the topic of vaccinations and the questions related to that topic.

Step 1

In a class discussion, make connections among the research topics and questions, developing some overall conclusions about public health, infectious diseases, vaccinations, and the ethical issues involved in these areas.

Step 2

Following the class discussion, write a short reflective narrative in which you explain what you have learned through the team research project about public health issues and about doing collaborative research and an informational presentation. Explain how your thinking has changed or grown as a result of your work.

Activity 3: View – Write

For homework, we will do an initial viewing of a 2015 Frontline video, “The Vaccine War.”

For homework, access and initially view the first 11 minutes of a 2015 Frontline video, “The Vaccine War,” which covers the controversy among public health officials, parents who oppose mandatory vaccinations, and parents who want all students to be protected through required vaccinations.

As you watch, make note of arguments you hear on either side of the controversy.