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Section 2: Texts


  • Unit Reader
    • “2015 Testimony Submitted to the Oregon Legislature RE: SB-442,” Jennifer Margulis, Public Domain, 2015
    • “California Law to Restrict Medical Vaccine Exemptions Raises Questions over Control,” Katherine Drabiak, The Conversation, 2019
    • “Eager to Limit Exemptions to Vaccination, States Face Staunch Resistance,” Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times Company, 2019
    • “Mandate Vaccination with Care,” Saad B. Omer, Cornelia Betsch, and Julie Leask, Springer Nature Limited, 2019
    • “Measles: A Dangerous Illness,” Roald Dahl, Roald Dahl Foundation, 1986
    • “New Media, Old Messages: Themes in the History of Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal,” Jason Schwartz, AMA Journal of Ethics, 2012
    • “The Ethics of Opting Out of Vaccination,” Janet Stemwedel, Nature America, Inc., 2013
    • “Vaccination and Free Will,” Jeffrey A. Singer, Reason Foundation, 2014
    • “What Would Happen If We Stopped Vaccinations?,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Public Domain, 2018
  • Digital Access
    • “The Public Good Versus Individual Freedom,” Michael Gerson, Real Clear Politics, 2015
    • “The Vaccine War,” Frontline, Public Broadcasting Service, 2015


  • Digital Access
    • “Counterpoint: Should Childhood Vaccination against Measles Be a Mandatory Requirement for Attending School? No,” Peter Schröder-Bäck and Kyriakos Martakis, Chest Journal, 2015
    • “Point: Should Childhood Vaccination against Measles Be a Mandatory Requirement for Attending School? Yes,” Ross D. Silverman and Kristin S. Hendrix, Chest Journal, 2015