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Section 2: Overview

A Test of Loyalty in Antigone

Sophocles crafts two characters who are fiercely loyal to their own beliefs—at any cost. We will continue to read the play Antigone while using topics and themes to frame our thinking, reading, and writing.

  • Lesson 1:

    We will begin reading Section 2 of Antigone and study the interaction between Antigone and Creon while exploring a variety of thematic ideas including power, gender roles, and loyalty.

  • Lesson 2:

    We will examine the relationships among Creon, Antigone, power, and gender roles. We will closely read Antigone for character details and analysis of their roles and impact in the play.

  • Lesson 3:

    We will continue to examine the arguments behind Polynices’s burial as we delve deeper into the play, examining topics through the thematic ideas of power, gender roles, and family dynamics. We will also explore more about gender roles and family relationships when reading about Antigone, Ismene, and Creon.

  • Lesson 4:

    As we begin to prepare for the Section Diagnostic, we will closely read and write to solidify our understanding of some of the text’s conflicts and themes.

  • Lesson 5:

    We have read about the historical context of Antigone and heard the beginnings of Creon’s and Antigone’s arguments regarding the treatment of Polynices’s body. To demonstrate our understanding of the arguments, we will write responses that analyze Antigone’s arguments for burying Polynices, using specific details from the text.

  • Lesson 6:

    We will review feedback on the Section Diagnostic. We will use the feedback to make revisions to our work.

  • Lesson 7:

    We will share the understanding we have gained through our independent reading and continue reading our texts.