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Section 2: Overview

Choosing a Pathway

We will begin the process of exploring pathways. We will read a collection of texts that represent each pathway and express our thinking with a proposal that outlines our rationale for further studying a specific pathway.

  • Lesson 1:

    We will explore potential pathways for our group research. We will read a section of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, discuss the ethical issues in the text, and decide which pathway the ethical issue should be placed in. We will identify significant text features and connections to other relevant texts and ideas.

  • Lesson 2:

    We will preview a text from each pathway, recording our initial thoughts and impressions and discussing the various options available for study in this unit. With each reading, we will practice our analysis skills and determine the main idea of each previously read text in order to determine our interest in each pathway.

  • Lesson 3:

    We will complete our process of previewing available pathways in this unit and move towards determining which pathway we will explore in the upcoming weeks.

  • Lesson 4:

    We will meet in our research teams, review the Foundation Unit Research and Presentation Guide, preview the Section Diagnostic, and begin discussing a plan for our research. We will also select a choice reading text.

  • Lesson 5:

    We will write multisection research proposals outlining the rationale for selecting a specific pathway, and we will present our proposals to our classmates.

  • Lesson 6:

    We will continue the Section Diagnostic by writing research proposals.

  • Lesson 7:

    We will review feedback on the Section Diagnostic. We will use the feedback to make revisions to our work.

  • Lesson 8:

    We will share the understandings we have gained by reading our independent reading texts and continue to read our texts.